A Gratitude Script For The Infinite Experiment Concept Engine
Our intention, with this essay, is sharing.
Sharing what?
A method of finding/making — ad infinitum, it must be said — infinite experiments.
Infinite experiments. Endless adventures. Infinite quests. Endless explorations.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
Our method is rooted in the following essays:
- Conceptual Structures Within Conceptual Structures
- Your Desired Experience — A Gratitude Game
- The Promise Of Your Infinite Exploration
- Your Infinite Adventure
- A Neverending Wealth Of Experiments — Part 01
- A Neverending Wealth Of Experiments — Part 02
- The Cosmic Matrix Of Infinite Experiments
- The Best Way To Interact With The Cosmic Matrix Of Experiments
- The Key To Finding Infinite Experiments With Ease
- The “I Really Love…” List
All manner of ideas gave birth to this essay.
Regardless of that fact, though, let’s dive in.
A Vast Concept Engine Of Infinite Experiments
Our essay is rooted in the idea of a “concept engine.”
A vast, and infinite, generator of experiments.
No, not just “experiments.”
Infinite experiments. Endless adventures. Infinite quests. Endless journeys. Infinite explorations.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
Right within our conception of this concept engine, there are infinite infinities, unending transcendences, infinite productions; and so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
You can read the essays listed in the introduction to get a better sense of this.
The focal point of this essay is an idea: you can interact with this concept engine.
Even if it isn’t “real,” per se.
By doing so, you can obtain experiments.
Infinite experiments.
Or, again, infinite quests, journeys, explorations; ad infinitum.
You can interact with this concept engine by writing a list.
A list of things you appreciate about the experiments you received.
Or, perhaps, made, found, created; ad infinitum.
If you write this list, and feel appreciative, you will receive what you want.
That is my contention. And, that is my experience.
A Quick Example
A quick example of the list we are speaking of is follows:
- I really love the experiments I received with such ease!
- I really love that I was given these experiments and enjoyed writing them!
- I really love that these experiments could be life-changing!
- I really love that I really enjoyed sharing these experiments!
- I really love that I had so much fun “downloading” these experiments.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
The possibilities are infinite.
Bringing It Together
Our method is very simple.
Just imagine — or, even, write something like “Dear Experiment Concept Engine,” among an infinite wealth of other possibilities — the concept engine we have shared.
Right after you imagine it, make a quick list.
A quick list of what you appreciate about what you have received.
Or, again, made, found, developed; ad infinitum.
All with the assistance of the concept engine.
Just do this and see what happens.
You may be quite surprised at what arises.
None of this is particularly revelatory.
But, the method — and, really, the whole conceptual schema — does work very well.
My hope is that this method works for you.