Your Passions Contain Multitudes

Maxwell Akin
5 min readMar 30, 2024


Our goal, with this essay, is to explore.

To explore what?


Or, more specifically, your passions.

And, with that in mind, let’s begin.

Your Passions Contain Multitudes

Your passions serve as a doorway.

A doorway that leads to an infinite labyrinth.

Right within this infinite labyrinth, there are an infinite number of unique doorways.

Every single one of these doorways serves as a new, related, passion.

If you wandered this hallway for unending eternities, you would never, ever reach the end.

A neverending wealth of passions exist for you, right here, and right now.

To find these passions, you must look within.

Within what?

Your passions, that is.

Right before we explore three passions, and the endless passions they contain, there is one thing to mention.

The essay you are about to read is very similar to “Your Infinite Adventure.”

If you enjoy this essay, or are interested in these ideas, then you may enjoy that essay, too.

Passion 01: Libraries

If you’ve read my work, then you may know that libraries are one of my favorite things.

One of my passions, as it were.

If you think about libraries, and look at the passions within them, you get the following:

  • Architecture
  • Books
  • Reading
  • Research
  • Printing
  • Film
  • Information
  • Language
  • Publishing
  • Comic Books

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

Every single one of the above is something that a library contains or is, on some level, connected to.

If you think about those passions a little bit, and consider what they are connected to or, in turn, what they might lead to, you get:

  • The biggest libraries in the world.
  • Just how many books actually exist.
  • The history of the printing press.
  • Language and the mind.
  • The ways in which reading changes our mind.
  • Obscure books that are hard to find.
  • Books that changed people’s lives.
  • The inherently generative nature of reading books.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

If you dive into the last one — which, admittedly, is vague — you get the following:

  • Our ability to take an idea in a book, and expand on it, allowing us to go beyond the frame of that book.
  • The ways in which books interact with our consciousness.
  • Our imagination and the manner in which it is integral to the experience of a story.
  • The nature of interpretation.
  • The many ideas that books have given me/allowed to sprout.
  • Hermeneutics; as an idea, a philosophy, a system; ad infinitum.
  • The ways in which hermeneutics plays a role in Sufism and other, related, metaphysical philosophies.
  • Neuroplasticity and the brain, when it comes to reading books.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

Every single thing that has been outlined above can, and does, lead to, allow for, engender — ad infinitum — an infinite wealth of new passions, interests, activities, quests, adventures, experiments; ad infinitum.

If you were to wander through any of the above for, say, 158 billion years, you would never reach an ending, boundary, or limit; ad infinitum.

The same applies to the act of wandering through any of the above for an endless number of eternities.

Even if you went beyond infinity, transcended language, surpassed notions of time, space, and quantities — ad infinitum — you would still never reach an ending, boundary, or limit — ad infinitum — to any of this.

If you ask me, that is all quite lovely.

Passion 02: Creativity

Our second passion is creativity.

Right within creativity, you can find:

  • The ways in which creativity presents itself in different fields; math and painting, for example.
  • Creativity and neuroplasticity.
  • Flow states and their relevance to creativity.
  • Different ways of being, and experiencing, creativity.
  • The most creative people alive.
  • The different ways in which we can access/harness our innate, endless creativity.
  • Methods and systems for generating ideas and being creative.
  • The inherently creative nature of our universe, our consciousness, and the world we live within.
  • The daily rituals and systems, as it were, of the most creative people who once lived.
  • Different ways we can use questions and curiosity to unlock our infinite creativity.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

If you dive into the latter item, you can find things like:

  • Making a list of questions that inspire your creativity.
  • Asking questions about your creative endeavors and seeing what they evoke.
  • Going over the questions that used to really interest you.
  • Turning your passions, interests — ad infinitum — into questions.
  • Playing with different ways of framing questions, so that they unlock your curiosity/creativity.
  • Making an effort to be more curious in your day-to-day life.
  • Connecting the act of asking questions to the transcendent.
  • Asking questions about how you can be more creative.
  • Developing a new conceptual vision, as it were, of questions, that assists your creativity.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

Regarding the latter, this is one of my passions: developing new, almost metaphysical, visions of an idea and connecting it to the infinite, in a way that inspires me, yet remains rather practical.

You can find one example of this in my essay “The Infinity Of ‘What If.’

If you go into the item about playing with the different ways you can frame questions, you get:

  • Coming up with “What if?” questions that interest you.
  • Diving into those questions and seeing what other questions arise.
  • Thinking about new ways to frame the questions you are asking.
  • Allowing new questions to arise from them.
  • Using these questions to inspire new essays, experiences, stories; ad infinitum.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

Passion 03: Infinity

Our third passion is infinity.

If you’ve read my Medium blog at all — or, come to think of it, this essay — then you probably know that my love for infinity is very, very rich.

And, if you dive into infinity, you can find:

  • Different numerical number functions.
  • Regular numbers.
  • Really big numbers.
  • The functions you can use to create big numbers with ease.
  • Transfinite quantities.
  • The ideas that lie beyond infinity.
  • Eternity.
  • Visions of the universe that incorporate infinity.
  • New visions of eternity.
  • Different concepts regarding infinite sets.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

If you dive into the latter, you can find things like:

  • Coming up with infinite sets that could, potentially, exist; such as sets of infinite books.
  • Learning more about set theory.
  • Reading about set theory and its applications to real-world ideas.
  • Developing new aesthetic visions of infinite sets.
  • Thinking about the ways in which our world is rooted in sets.
  • Outlining what a world with real, active, infinite sets might look like.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

If you dive into the latter item, you get:

  • Making a list of infinite sets you would love to explore, if they existed.
  • Creating stories about different infinite sets.
  • Thinking about technologies that allow infinite sets to exist.
  • Imagining that you are going into an infinite set.
  • Speculating on the infinity sets that currently exist.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.


My goal, with this essay, is inspiration.

Or, more specifically, to evoke a great wealth of inspiration, within you.

Our universe is as vast, and infinite, as the sheer wealth of wonderful things we can enjoy.

My hope is that this essay evokes the truth of this fact.

And, in doing so, inspires you to live the life you yearn to live.



Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “”.