9 Ways To Walk The Labyrinth — Part 03
You can find “Part 01” and “Part 02,” of our “9 Ways To Walk The Labyrinth” essay series, at those links.
Right below this introduction, you can find three more ways you can “Walk The Labyrinth.”
Just to wrap this up, then, let’s dive right in and see what happens!
Way 07: A New Life Path
Our seventh way centers on a simple practice.
Select a path you would like to enjoy.
Just as an example, if you would like to move to Mexico, then select that path.
Right after you do so, select a place to walk and, then, begin walking.
During your walk, imagine, to the best of your abilities, that you are in Mexico.
Let yourself appreciate a wealth of nice things about living in Mexico.
If you are at a park, you can appreciate the birds and the sun and the blue sky and being somewhere new.
You can appreciate these things, even if you are at home and not, in fact, in Mexico.
You can also apply this same basic framework to any desire.
If you wish to be successful, you can pretend that you are successful.
And, you can walk, as if you are successful; appreciating the fruits of success, as you do so.
If you do this, you will begin to see, and experience, the world through the lens of your desired path.
The act of seeing, and experiencing, such a thing will bring your wishes to fruition.
Way 08: Radical Focus
Sometime in late 2016, a rather familiar, yet somewhat peculiar, idea came to me.
The idea, in question, was as follows: give yourself thirty-minutes to write/journal on something specific.
Something specific that you can really, really focus on.
Really, really focus on and, in doing so, radically focus on.
Or, at least, something like that.
A few months passed and, during this time, we used the idea.
The idea led to some good thoughts, some new ideas, as well as a strong sense of direction.
Our life today is, in part, the result of these “radical focus” sessions.
Every single one of them was rooted in writing.
But, they do not need to be.
You can select a place to walk, set something to focus on, say “Thank you” for what came to you, as a result of this focus, while jotting down what arises.
If you do so, you will “radically focus” on something and, in doing so, come away with a wealth of wonderful gifts.
Gifts you can use to live, and act, in a manner that aligns with your deepest wishes, intentions, and passions.
But, it all begins with an intention, a little bit of gratitude, and the willingness to really, really — and radically — focus.
Way 09: Just Say “Thank You”
Our universe is rich with blessings, gifts, miracles; and so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
No, that is not true; our universe is infinitely rich with such things.
Sometimes, though, our state of being prevents us from recognizing, and acting upon, this truth.
A relatively quick, easy way to shift our state of being is as follows:
- Select a place to walk.
- Go on your walk.
- Say, and repeat, “Thank you” to yourself.
- Do so over and over, with feeling and emotion.
If you do the above, you will shift into a state of being that is rich with energy, gratitude, and abundance.
A wealth of blessings, gifts, and miracles will come into your life.
None of them may be especially large — although, they could be — but, they will be meaningful.
Just to wrap this up, thank you so much for reading this essay series!
If you wish to reach me, you can do so by sending an email to “maxwellcakin@gmail.com.”
Best wishes and have a fantastic day!