9 Ways To Walk The Labyrinth — Part 02
You can find the first part of our “9 Ways To Walk The Labyrinth” essay series at that link.
And, now, you can find three more ways you can “Walk The Labyrinth” right below.
So, with that in mind, let’s begin!
Way 04: The Reverence Of God
Our fourth way is very simple.
Select a place to walk and, then, right before you begin your walk, say “Thank you.”
Thank you, God.
Say that; within yourself or outside of yourself; choose what works for you.
Right after you do so, allow yourself to notice, and appreciate, what God has given you.
Given you.
And, in turn, given all of us.
Just as an example, you might appreciate the sky, the clouds, the natural world, the ideas that flow through us, the gift of thought; and so on and so forth.
You might also appreciate the life you are living; the wonderful work you do, the friends you have, the creative things that give you inspiration; and so on and so forth.
Right after you complete this, you will possess a deep reverence for God
God. Universe. Creation.
And so on and so forth.
The fruits of this reverence will allow you to live, think, and act with greater purpose, creativity, and beauty.
Way 05: Your Desired Experience
On November 10th, of 2023,”Your Desired Experience” was published.
You can combine “Your Desired Experience” and “Walking The Labyrinth,” to great effect, in this manner:
- Select a place to walk.
- Choose an intention or wish; ad infinitum.
- During your walk, appreciate at least seven things about your wish.
- Say “Thank you,” as your walk comes to an end.
You can select any intention or wish; ad infinitum.
And, you can appreciate any seven things or elements — ad infinitum — about this wish.
If you do so, you will move closer and closer to the fulfillment of this wish.
Just as an example, several months ago, I “Walked The Labyrinth” and appreciated writing a fantastic book.
A fantastic book that was written in two months.
You can find this book right here: Visions Of Infinity.
Our fifth way works. And, it works well.
Way 06: Your Imaginal List
Our sixth way is similar to the other ways within this essay.
But, at the same time, it is also a little bit more simple.
Just imagine a list in your notebook.
Or, for that matter, any other document or application you are using, to record what arises during your walk.
Just imagine that thing of yours.
And, then, imagine that it is rich and full, with good ideas, notes, or anything else that pertains to your act.
If you do this, and if you say “Thank you,” then a wealth of things worth recording will arise with ease.
You can “Walk The Labyrinth.”
And, in “Walking The Labyrinth,” you can obtain that which you seek.
All of this is my promise to you.
But, only you, and your experimentation, can validate this promise.