Your Infinite Summer
Our goal, with this essay, is sharing.
Sharing what?
A series of ideas on living within your Infinite Summer.
The Infinite Summer
Our lives are comprised of moments.
Every single one of these moments is comprised of a multitude of unique qualities.
Just as an example, a birthday party may be comprised of happiness, pleasure, and love, yet a sense of melancholy that arises due to your aging and, in turn, the death this aging must, by its very nature, impart.
Even though the above is true, there is one fact that must be honored.
Our greatest moments tend to be comprised by a quality that supersedes all others.
This quality tends to be “happiness.”
A very pure form of happiness that is engendered by the facts that underlie this moment.
A good example of the above is as follows: the Summer of 2022 was, in quite a few ways, one of the happiest periods of my life.
This happiness was rooted in my success, the insane amount of money coming into my life, all of the wonderful ideas I was working with, the wonderful Portland Summer weather, enjoying all kinds of wonderful art, being so inspired/in awe of what I was exploring; and so on and so forth.
Right within those facts, though, there was/is a very pure form of happiness.
A very pure form of happiness that we can always return to by harnessing our imaginal memory.
All of this leads me to the main point of this essay: our greatest moments exist as memories that we can harness.
The Energy Of Imaginal Memory
Every memory is a work of imagination.
On some level.
If you remember something, you are, in one sense or another, using your imagination.
Using your imagination to experience that moment once again.
To invoke the feelings, sensations, and moods that underlie this memory.
Remembering is never a passive activity.
You can remember the happiest moments within your life.
If you remember these moments, and really feel them, you will tap into an energy frequency.
No, not “an energy frequency;” the energy frequency of your happiest moments,
If you stay within these happy moments for a few minutes, you will begin to live from an energy frequency.
The energy frequency of your purest happiness.
By living from this energy frequency, your Universe will shift to align with this frequency.
You can find one example of this in the section below.
My Infinite Summer
Just as mentioned in the prior section, the Summer of 2022 was one of the loveliest moments of my life.
A moment filled with wealth, inspiration, abundance, friendship, happiness, awe, gifts, magic, creativity, art; and so on and so forth.
Every moment that comprises this Summer, and the happiness it engendered, exists as a unique memory that I have unlimited access to.
If I close my eyes and return to those memories, I tap into the energy frequency of these moments.
Doing so for a minute or so evokes a really nice feeling that I can bring into my experience of right now. And, in turn, many of the moments that follow the “right now” I am within.
All of this is lovely. But, if I return to those memories for, say, eleven minutes, I not only tap into the energy frequency of these moments, I allow the Universe to align itself with this energy frequency.
If I allow this energy frequency to persist, and I nurture it frequently, I will give birth to moments of pure happiness.
The happiness I experience may not be engendered by the same circumstances as those found in the Summer of 2022. But, no matter what, they will be absolutely lovely.
Stepping Into Your Infinite Summer
Our method involves thinking of the moments that comprise a happiness you wish to experience.
Just as an example, for me, it would be the Summer of 2022.
Right after you think about this moment, give yourself twenty minutes to experience it.
Recall this moment.
Do your best to feel as if this moment is currently that which you are experiencing.
Let this experience guide you to other things.
If you are remembering the Summer of 2022 and the money you have earned, you can imagine seeing this money coming into your life right now.
Or, if you are remembering a time of pure inspiration, you can see yourself being inspired, right now. And, doing all of the things you wish to do, with this inspiration, in this moment.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
Just enjoy your chosen moment for as long as you would like to.
And, then, open your eyes.
Let yourself resume the day and, to the best of your abilities, allow the meditation you enjoyed to wash away.
You will be guided to the things you wish to experience.
The purest form of happiness will arise.
But, the thing is, if you want to sustain this happiness, and to really live within the energy frequency of the lovely moment you have built for yourself, you should use this method every single day.
Every single day for one week.
Or, longer, if you want.
If you do this, and if you really take it seriously, you will change your life.
The changes may be big. Or, they may be small.
But, one thing is for certain: you will experience the pure happiness you yearn for.
I cannot say how this pure happiness will arise. But, I can promise you that it will arise.
Just to wrap this up, thank you for reading!
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Best wishes and have a great day!