Your Infinite Idea-Ocean — Part 03

Maxwell Akin
2 min readSep 4, 2024


Our intention, with this essay, is sharing.

Sharing what?

A tool you can use to access your infinite idea-ocean.

You can find “Part 01” here, and “Part 02” there.

You Are Connected To The Infinite Idea-Ocean

Right now, let yourself remember, and know, one thing.

You are connected to the infinite idea-ocean.

The infinite idea-ocean that is, in fact, your infinite idea-ocean.

You have unlimited access to this ocean.

Just as you have unlimited access to its infinite gifts.

Ask For What You Desire

Every idea you could ever want is available to you.

Right now. Right here.

You can request an idea. And, in doing so, it will be given to you.

To facilitate this, ask for it.

Right now, ask for your idea.

You can be specific.

“I want a new, transcendent idea that enchants me so very deeply.”

Or, considerably more broad.

“I want a new idea that I really love.”

Right after you make your request, find a medium.

A medium you can use to record the ideas you will receive.

Just as an example, a small notebook.

Select your medium and, then, for a moment or so, imagine this medium filled up.

Filled up with what?

The new ideas you have received.

Give yourself a few moments to see this medium filled to the brim.

And, then, say “Thank you!”

You will receive the ideas you want. And, these ideas will come from your infinite idea-ocean.


My contention is that you have access to a world of infinite ideas.

If you can access this world of infinite ideas, you can receive any idea you want.

With remarkable ease.

Regardless of that notion, though, my hope is that you enjoyed reading this essay!



Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “”.