Your Endless Invocation
Our goal, with this essay, is sharing.
Sharing what?
A method you can use to invoke all that you yearn for.
Right before we begin, there is one thing to clarify: this tool is from Shakti Gawain’s “Creative Visualization.”
A Neverending Invocation
You can invoke anything.
If you want to invoke a being, you can do so.
Or, if you want to invoke a particular energy, you can do so.
You can also invoke archetypes, selves, other people, alternate versions of yourself, mythic figures, ideas, concepts, other entities, animals, skills, abilities, qualities; and so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum
The potential, for that which can be invoked, is infinite, endless, unending; ad infinitum.
Just as the possibilities of invocation, and what it can lead to, are infinite, endless, unending; ad infinitum.
A Method For Invocation
Our method for invocation involves selecting something to invoke.
A being. A self. A life. A person. A concept. A skill. A quality. A mood.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
Right after you select your chosen invocation, take seven deep breaths to relax.
Give yourself a moment or two to sink into a deep state of relaxation.
Just after you enter this moment of relaxation, say to yourself “I am now invoking the…”
Clarify what you wish to invoke.
Repeat the phrase three times.
Let yourself relax for a few moments more.
Soon after these moments pass, you can resume your experience of the day.
You will have invoked that which you desire.
A Useful Idea
The method outlined in the previous section works very well.
But, if you want to super-charge your invocation, as it were, you can visualize while invoking.
You can visualize yourself drinking from a vast ocean.
Just imagine yourself drinking water from a cup in this ocean.
Feel this water flowing through you.
You are drinking the water of that which you wish to invoke.
All of this can — and, in my experience, does — facilitate a deeper, and more meaningful, invocation.
Just to wrap this up, thank you for reading!
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Best wishes and have a great day!