Your Creation Is Finished
Every single desire of yours already exists. Everything that you could ever possibly need or want is already realized and present. You may not be able to sense those desires, in this exact moment, but they exist, for your creation is finished.
Your creation is finished. All of your desires — those that you possess right in this moment, and those that you will possess later in life — are as real as they can be. But, of course, right now, you may be unable to sense them.
For you to sense your desires, and experience them as present facts, you must move into the state of your wish fulfilled. All you must do, to accomplish this, is feel your desires as a present fact in this moment. Sustaining the feelings of the wish fulfilled will allow that which has already been created to reveal itself to you, so that you may then experience it.
Creation Is Finished
All that you could ever desire already exists as a fully-realized fact of your life. You may desire a romantic relationship, a child, to be a well-regarded film director, a new laptop that suits your needs, a wonderful adventure in an exotic place; and so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely.
No matter what it is that you desire, it exists as a fully-realized fact, and there is nothing that you need to create, for all that you could ever desire exists and is merely awaiting your acceptance.
Even though this truth may appear fascinating, but relatively lacking in practicality, it is in fact a truth of tremendous practicality. Remember, there is nothing that you need to create, for it has already been created. You do not need to experience the world, and your desires, from a mindset of “I must create this, for it has not been created, and the act of creation requires tremendous force and energy”.
All you must do is know what it is that you desire. Upon knowing what it is that you desire — and, remember, you will almost always desire many things, and as you age, your desires will shift and transform — feel that which you desire as a present fact within this exact moment.
As Neville Goddard said, over and over again, “feeling is the secret”. Feeling is the secret to surrendering to the state of your wish having been fulfilled. Surrendering to the state of your fulfilled wish will result in you experiencing that which was previously invisible to you but, in truth, has always existed.
Knowing That Your Creation Is Finished
The practicality that comes from the concept of creation being finished is twofold.
Rather than needing to force that which you desire to come forth, you can focus on simply feeling it real and allowing that which you desire to unfold. This is, of course, a far easier, and simpler, way of seeing and experiencing the world then assuming that force is necessary for you to live the life you desire. But, there is one other, intensely practical, facet of this concept: all you must do is make a choice, rather than considering matters of probability or possibility.
Too many of us — and, as always, the only person I can speak on definitively is myself — consider and regard our desires through a lens of immense limitation. More often than not, this limitation is founded on assumptions regarding the “probability” of our desires becoming facts, or the “possibility” of them becoming a tangible part of our lives.
The assumptions that we hold, regarding probability and possibility, are almost always founded in our past experiences, and the inherent assumption that the past is a reflection of what the present and future can, and will, bring.
You do not need to work with either of those assumptions. Rather, you can simply know that all you could ever need and desire exists, and that all you must do is choose it. You only need to think of what you desire, and surrender to the state of the wish fulfilled. There is no need for you to concern yourself with assumptions that no longer serve you and, instead, may stifle the deepest and most meaningful desires contained within your heart.
Surrender To Your Desire
For you to surrender to the state of your wish fulfilled, there are a plethora of different acts, methods, and tools that you can use. Diving into all of them, and explaining how they work and what they consist of, would take a very long time.
The essence of those acts, methods, and tools is, generally speaking, the same: feeling your desire as a present fact. To a great extent, it does not matter what you do, so much that you inhabit the feeling of your wish fulfilled by doing so.
To do this properly, it helps to think about the feelings you would experience should your wish be fulfilled. But, focus less on the moments after your wish has been fulfilled, and more on the feelings that come after your wish has been fulfilled for some time.
Go to the end, as it were, and assume that your wish has become a present fact of your life, and has been an expected and accepted part of your life for some time.
Engage with those feelings and experience them right now. Doing this to the point where you genuinely feel that your wish has been fulfilled will allow your desires to come forth and become present within your life.
There is no need for you to create anything. All that’s needed is for you to accept your desire as a present fact, through the medium of feeling.
In the end, creation is finished and, more importantly, your creation is finished. You no longer need to concern yourself with matters of creation, probability, or possibility. All that you must do is go to the end and surrender to the fulfillment of your wish. For if you can do this, then you can do anything.
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Best Wishes & Have A Great Day!