You Can Manifest Good News With Ease
Our goal, with this essay, is sharing.
Sharing what?
A pleasant method for manifesting good news.
You Can Manifest Good News
Right before we clarify our method, there is one thing to share.
You can manifest good news.
If you want to receive some good news, then you can manifest some good news.
You can manifest just about anything.
If you want a new job, you can manifest a new job.
Or, you can manifest inspiration.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
“Good news” is just another piece of this.
A Pleasant Method For Manifesting Good News
Our pleasant method for manifesting good news involves imagining a piece of good news.
Just as an example, if a piece of good news would be getting a raise, then imagine getting a raise.
You can imagine the email that says “You are getting a raise!”
Or, perhaps, a series of pay stubs.
Right as you imagine this thing, do your best to feel excited.
To feel excited. To feel grateful. To feel happy.
And, when you feel these things, sustain it.
Sustain the happiness that this good news evokes within you.
If you can do this for five minutes — even less, perhaps — good news will come to you.
Really, really good news.
We cannot say when this good news will arrive. But, make no mistake, it will arrive.
Good News Comes From Elsewhere
You can imagine good news coming from a particular source.
Such as a raise. Or, a new job.
You can use this particular idea to evoke a deep feeling of happiness.
The feeling of having just received incredible news.
But, the thing is, your good news may not, in fact, come from this source.
Your good news could come from elsewhere.
Just as an example, you may imagine a raise, but end up with a beautiful gift.
A beautiful gift that serves as even better news than the raise you imagined.
Or, even, something far, far better.
Just to wrap this up, thank you for reading!
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Best wishes and have a great day!