You Are Inspiration

Maxwell Akin
5 min readNov 7, 2020


Inspiration is one of the most powerful forces in the universe.

Inspiration is a force that, when activated, allows for the creation of entire worlds, cities, philosophies, systems, technologies, stories, works of art that go beyond what we assumed was possible; ad infinitum.

Everytime we find ourselves in the state of inspiration, we surrender to the infinite creative power that has always been within ourselves and within reach, and move beyond the mental and spiritual scaffolding that defines and restricts the innumerable facets of our being.

The forms that inspiration can take are as endless as the seas and oceans within your soul. The products of inspiration are just as boundless.

Inspiration is, as such, a seed, and from this seed, great passion and beauty emerges with an almost effortless vigor that would seem to go beyond the supposed limitations of both ourselves and the world that we live in.

Inspiration Comes From Within

Everyone enjoys the feeling of inspiration. Everyone enjoys being inspired. Everyone wants to be inspired.

Sure, the word “inspiration” may not be use, but the sense of purpose, growth, passion, and fulfillment that inspiration brings is desirable to everyone, regardless of what form it happens to take.

Many people — and, as always, I can only speak for myself when I say “many people” — search for inspiration. Many people wait for inspiration. Many people wish for inspiration. Many people desire inspiration.

But, what a lot of people either don’t know or often forget — naturally, I can only speak for myself — is that inspiration comes from within you.

You might even say that you are the vessel for inspiration, and inspiration can only take hold through you, for you are the sole vessel of your own inspiration.

Since inspiration works in such a manner, you possess the ability to conjure inspiration at any time. Doing so is quite easy, but it requires sincerity and receptivity. By possessing both of those qualities — being sincere about your desire to be inspired, and being receptive to the fruits of your inspiration — you will never fail to conjure inspiration at any time or in any place.

You Are Inspiration

The rest of this essay is going to be about three methods that you can use to conjure the state of inspiration. Each one of these methods has been tried and tested, by me, numerous times. But, right before we dive into that, there is one concept that needs to be reiterated and elaborated upon.

Just as touched upon in the first section of this essay, inspiration comes from within. But, you see, it isn’t quite that simple. Inspiration not only comes from within but, rather, you are inspiration.

You are inspiration

Everytime you look for inspiration you are, in fact, looking for something that is within you and within your power to grant. This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t look outside of yourself for inspiration; all it means is that, no matter what, you should understand and remember that nothing outside of yourself can grant you inspiration, for you are the source of inspiration and you are, in turn, inspiration itself.

Inspirational Method 01: I Am Inspired

Every now and then, when I feel the need to be inspired, but am not quite in that state, I will go on a walk. Throughout this walk, I will repeat two statements to myself. These statements are as follows: I Am Inspired, and I Am Inspiration.

More often than not, it takes a little while for the effects to kick in. Sometimes thirty-minutes, and sometimes a day or two. But, no matter how long I walk and repeat those statements for, inspiration always comes, often in a way that I would have never expected.

So, if you’re looking to be inspired, but aren’t sure what to do, just repeat “I Am Inspired” and “I Am Inspiration” to yourself for a few minutes. Even if you repeat those statements to yourself without any intensity or passion, it is likely, in my experience, that you will still enter the state of inspiration soon enough.

Inspirational Method 02: Go Back To Something That Inspired You

Even though inspiration comes from within, that doesn’t mean there isn’t tremendous value in surrounding yourself with things — books, paintings, photographs, albums; you get the idea — that inspire you.

While I cannot say why it is that certain things seem to induce a deep state of inspiration, what I can say is that, when you have something that really inspires you, it’s good to keep it close and to revisit it on a regular basis.

The best way to perform this method, then, is to make a list of what inspires you, and then to go back and engage with those things. There are no limits to what can inspire you, so write down everything you can think of, and go and set aside some time to engage with those things.

Regardless of what your expectations were, surrender them, and be receptive to the ideas, drives, and dreams that emanate from what you are engaging with and the ways in which they are elevating your sense of inspiration.

Inspirational Method 03: Just Be Creative

No matter what anyone says, everyone is creative. Creativity is not restricted to those who work in a medium or form deemed “artistic”; rather, everyone is creative and everyone is, every single day, engaging with their infinite creative gifts.

With that being said, however, there are certain applications that, for you, may be more “creative” than others. For me, this is writing, but for you, it may be drawing, taking photos, making a sculpture, designing a space in your home; along with an infinite series of other activities and hobbies.

Take just one of those — or more, I suppose, since there really are no limits — and engage with them for at least ten-minutes.

Sometimes, it’s easier to do this with activities that you are less familiar with and, as such, less concerned with. For me, that is usually an activity such as taking photos, making a video, or drawing.

As you are engaging with that activity, be receptive to what comes up, while also understanding that you are engaged in a process of deep creative expression. The fruits of this expression aren’t just what is being created but, rather, the inspiration that comes from the creative process itself.

After a certain point, and I do not know why this, it is very likely that you will feel passionate and inspired. Maybe not a lot, but it will be there. But, more likely than not, this sense of passion and inspiration will go beyond your activity, and extend into the moments after you complete what it is that you are doing.

I am not sure why this works so well. Perhaps, it’s because I assume that I will be inspired. But, I know that being creative, for myself, always evokes a sense of inspiration within me, and that this inspiration extends into the other facets of my life.


No matter what, remember that inspiration comes from within you, and that you are inspiration!

I hope you enjoyed reading this essay, and I hope you found it engaging, useful, and, of course, inspiring! If you want or need to reach me for any reason at all, you can do so at “”!

Thank You So Much & Have A Great Day!



Maxwell Akin
Maxwell Akin

Written by Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “”.

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