Visions For Big Numbers
Our goal, with this essay, is sharing.
Sharing what?
A set of unique visions for big numbers.
Vision 01: 38 Plexed To Itself 38 Times
Our first vision is as follows: take the number 38 and, then, plex it, to itself, no more than 38 times.
A “plex” is when you take one number and, then, add that number of zeros to it.
Just as an example, if you plex “1,” you get “10.”
And, if you plex “10,” you get “100,000,000,000.
Given the fact outlined above, if you plex “38,” you get “38,00000000000000000000000000000000000000.”
If you plex that number, you get a number so large, and so utterly vast, that we cannot write it.
And, then, if you plex that number, yet again, you get another that is far, far larger than you can even imagine.
To complete this process/vision, you must conduct 35 more plexes.
The end result of this is a number that we will never be able to know.
Vision 02: The Infinite Plex
Our second vision is rooted in the first vision.
But, with one fundamental difference; we are not plexing 38 a total of 38 times.
Rather, we are, instead, plexing 38 an infinite number of times, without any limits, endings, or boundaries.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
You can imagine this plex occurring.
Every plex giving birth to a new number that is far more vast than that which we can imagine.
And, then, right after one plex, a new number, even greater than the previous one.
A neverending process of growth.
No matter how many plexes occur, though, the number that arises will always be finite.
It may be greater than that which we can ever imagine. But, it will be finite.
Even if you plex a number infinitely, the above will always be true.
Vision 03: The Hierarchy Of Eternities
Our third vision is a hierarchy of eternities.
Or, perhaps, a hierarchy of eternity?
Regardless of that little detail, you can imagine the concept of “eternity.”
A neverending body of time.
You can go through one eternity for an infinite number of years.
But, you will, paradoxically, never reach an end, to this eternity.
Even if you go through an eternity for an infinite number of years.
Just above an “eternity,” there is a “super-eternity.”
A “super-eternity” is an infinite collection of eternities.
Right above a “super-eternity,” there is a “transcendent super-eternity.”
A “transcendent super-eternity” is an infinite set of super-eternities.
And so on and so forth, infinitely and endlessly; ad infinitum.
You can wander through the levels that comprise this hierarchy for infinite eternities.
No matter what, though, you will never, ever reach any endings, limits, or boundaries; ad infinitum.
Infinity is one of my deepest loves.
Thank you for letting me share one of my deepest loves with you.
Best wishes and have a lovely day!