The Wonderful Possibilities Of Tetris — Part 01

Maxwell Akin
4 min readJun 2, 2023


Right below this introduction, you will find three possibilities.

Every single one of these possibilities is rooted within Tetris.

The wonderful possibilities of Tetris.

Some of them may seem strange or odd or, perhaps, rather peculiar.

No matter what, though, these possibilities are accessible to you.

And, to go along with that, these possibilities are fun and, as such, worth checking out!

Possibility 01: Diving Into A Beautiful Piece Of Music

The title is both vague and unnecessary.

Rather, you can use Tetris to dive into a beautiful piece of music as well as a piece of music that isn’t so beautiful and, on top of that, well, a variety of other types of music.

None of these distinctions matter very much.

But, what does matter, is that Tetris allows for a state concentration.

No, that is not true; Tetris commands a state of concentration.

A state of concentration that forces you to become hyper-aware of what you are doing.

And, what you are doing is, of course, arranging shapes.

Right within this task, though, you are aware of something else.

Given the context of this possibility, the “something else” is sound.

The sounds flowing into your ears and, in turn, through your consciousness.

All of this allows you to appreciate, and engage with, your music on a deep, rich level.

A deep, rich level that illuminates the vastness within a single piece of music.

And, all of this is engaged with, as you exist within a state of concentration.

Or, at least, that’s been my experience.

Some may find that this is not the case for them, due to focusing on their game of Tetris.

And, if that is the case, my apologies.

But, if you aren’t sure whether or not this will be the case for you, then you should try it out.

Select a piece of music — or a playlist/album, for that matter — and, as you listen to that piece of music, play a game of Tetris.

Just see what happens within this new listening context.

Possibility 02: Conjure A Rich Wealth Of Inspiration

The gift of inspiration allows for a neverending wealth of other gifts to arise with ease.

Some of these gifts are as follows:

  • Fascinating concepts.
  • Unique perspectives.
  • New ideas.
  • Novel interests.
  • Compelling fascinations.
  • Exciting passions.
  • Mind-expanding notions.
  • Fabulous paracosms.
  • Pure excitement.
  • Wonderful possibilities

And, well, you get the idea; on and on it goes, with no true end.

You can conjure inspiration with remarkable ease.

Really, you can.

You can read my essay series on commanding inspiration with ease to get a feel for it.

But, you can also just set an intention.

Set an intention that clarifies the following:

  • You want to be inspired.
  • Why you want to be inspired.
  • What being inspired looks like.
  • The fruits of your intended inspiration

To set your inspiration intention, go over the items above — specifically, the latter three — and, then, imagine that you are inspired.

Just appreciate your inspiration and all that it is leading to/has led to.

And, then, start a game of Tetris.

Right as you begin this game, know that, with your conscious mind occupied by this game of Tetris, your unconscious mind — or, well, some other, nearly invisible, facet of yourself — is working on satisfying your request as you play the game.

And, when you finish the game, you will be inspired.

You will be inspired in the ways that you wish to be inspired.

Or, at least, you will be on the right track.

No matter what, though, you will be inspired.

Seriously, this always works for me. And, while it doesn’t always work when playing Tetris, my inspiration intention always manifests itself either during the game or no more than a day afterwards.

Even if you don’t think it’s going to work, please conduct the ritual and, then, see what happens.

You may be very pleasantly surprised!

Possibility 03: Go Beyond Fear

Our ability to fear is, in large, rooted in our ability to visualize.

To see what we don’t want to happen, as if it were happening.

And, when we are in a state of fear, stopping these visualizations can be tricky.

But, when we play a game of Tetris, that is no longer the case.

Rather, the act of playing Tetris engages nearly every facet of our visual faculties.

And, since this is the case, we can no loner visualize what we fear.

To go along with this, Tetris demands a certain level of concentration and attention.

Concentration and attention that must be taken, as it were, from one thing — our fears — and placed onto the game of Tetris and our interactions within this game.

Don’t get me wrong, this does, on some level, put into doubt the first possibility.

But, with all of that being said, it does seem like music becomes even more rich and potent when experienced throughout an exciting game of Tetris.


To those who have read this essay, thank you so much!

No, this isn’t my usual work. But, it was a lot of fun to write and, well, my hope is you had fun reading it.

Even if you didn’t, though, thank you so much for reading.

As always, if you wish to reach me, you can do so at “”

Best wishes, and have a truly magnificent day!



Maxwell Akin
Maxwell Akin

Written by Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “”.

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