The “What If?” Game
Your assumptions and expectations are powerful.
Everything that you assume exists as a fact of your world.
You may not be able to touch or interact with your assumed fact, but your actions will align with the facts that you’ve assumed into being.
Everything that you expect comes into your world.
Or, at least, that’s what people far smarter than myself seem to believe
My thoughts on this are a little more complex. But, it stands to reason that our expectations often drive us to take certain paths and decisions, even if other decisions offer greater rewards.
Given these two facts, one of the best decisions we can make is to, quite simply, ask “What if?”
To ask “What if?” and, in doing so, construct new assumptions and expectations, so as to live a richer, more abundant, and far more lovely life.
You will, by reading this essay, learn how to play a simple, fun game that allows you to ask “What if?” in a constructive manner.
The Power Of Asking “What If?”
Every single “What if?” question is a doorway.
A doorway to new possibilities, paths, and potentials.
You can ask “What if?” and, in doing so, discover an infinite wealth of new, exciting possibilities that possess the power to transform your life.
To transform your life and yourself.
Our ability to ask “What if?” serves as a mechanism for unveiling the infinite possibilities always available to us, while also clarifying the possibilities we choose to pursue.
But, there’s a problem.
Even though “What if?” is a relatively easy question to ask, it’s far too easy to, well, not ask it.
To exist within our assumptions and expectations, sequestered from the infinite possibilities available to us.
This is unfortunate, as what we assume to be true, and what we expect, can fail us.
Rather, our world is so endlessly vast, and the possibilities available to us equally so, that we can live lives of great beauty and awe and passion with relative ease.
Sometimes, existing within our own assumptions and expectations supports this goal.
But, more often than not, it doesn’t.
Our assumptions and expectations stifle our innate yearnings and natural gifts, forcing us to contend with what is rather than what could be.
Living within these assumptions and expectations can force us to say “No” to the most wonderful opportunities, while continuing to say “Yes” to what is and what may remain.
Returning to a point mentioned moments ago, there is nothing wrong with this.
Really, there isn’t.
If we want something more out of our lives, though, then it is a problem.
A problem that we can begin to remedy by asking “What if?”
Or, more specifically, by asking “What if?” in a unique, remarkably playful, way.
Playing The “What If?” Game
Right now, within this moment, there exists possibilities.
Many possibilities.
So many possibilities, that it would take an infinite number of eons times an infinite number of eons — and so on and so forth, without end — to calculate them all.
And, really, that’s just one set of possibilities, out of an infinite number of sets and series and all that.
Each and every one of these possibilities is available to you.
On some level, that is, and in some way.
Right now, take a moment to consider those possibilities.
To consider the possibilities available to you.
You might be considering a new job or a fun activity with your partner or going on a hike.
Really, there are a lot of possibilities.
Just consider those possibilities and, then, ask a question.
A “What if?” question.
Your “What if?” question might be any one of the following:
- What if this is really, really fun?
- What if this is the best decision I ever make?
- What if this allows me to learn a wealth of new, wonderful things?
- What if this allows me to meet some wonderful people?
- What if this allows me to give back and really help people?
- What if this activity turns into a new passion?
- What if this adventure turns into a memory I treasure for a lifetime?
- What if this decision leads to something greater than I can imagine?
- What if this is actually really beautiful and lovely?
- What if this is what I need right now?
And so on and so forth.
Really, there’s no end to the “What if?” questions you can ask.
No matter the possibility you are exploring, allowing yourself to engage with these questions in an honest and authentic manner.
You may assume that one particular possibility is a certain way. But, by asking “What if?”, you may find that things are far more exciting than you could possibly imagine.
And, in the end, that may be the key to this whole thing.
Our life is meant to be lived and enjoyed and cherished and experienced; all of that good stuff.
To live our life in that way, we need to try lots of things, learn lots of things, do lots of things, say “Yes” to lots of things; and so on and so forth.
Sometimes, though, it can be tricky to do so, if we assume or expect that the possibilities available to us will be harmful or silly or useless or boring or tedious or aimless.
But, if we can ask “What if?” questions, and entertain new possibilities, our assumptions and expectations shift.
Within the assumptions and expectations we create, in asking “What if?” questions, we clarify the possibilities that most enchant us and are driven to actualize those possibilities.
You can think of the “What if?” game as a method of changing your mental picture, so that you’re more inspired to do all that you need to do to live a great life.
Does this method/game always work?
Eh, no. Probably not. And, of course, there are many possibilities that won’t resonate with you and won’t lead to anything.
But, there are many, many possibilities that will resonate with you and will enrich your life.
Given that fact, being able to interact with these possibilities, and being able to accept them and engage with them, is an act of great importance.
You can, by asking “What if?”, live a far richer, and far more lovely, life.
Every concept within this essay is rooted in an assumption.
The assumption, in question, is that a good life is rich.
Rich with what?
Joy. Pleasure. Fun. Passion. Novelty. Inspiration. Awe. Beauty
And so on and so forth.
Right behind this assumption, there is another assumption: the best way to experience those things, and to live a life of that sort, is by saying “Yes” to new possibilities.
A new possibility can be anything. But, you must say “Yes” to it.
And, of course, right behind that assumption, is yet another assumption: our habits of assuming and expecting can be subverted with the right questions.
Just to wrap this up, that last assumption is rooted in this assumption: asking the “right questions” can inspire us to take action and do new, exciting, and beautiful things.
You may disagree with these assumptions and, in the end, they may be incorrect.
No matter what, though, my hope is that you play the “What if?” game and that doing so inspires you to pursue a new possibility.
A new possibility that enriches your life and your world.
Regardless of whether or not that happens, though, thank you so much for reading this essay and, as always, if you wish to reach me you can do so at “!”
Best wishes, and have a lovely day!