The Power Of Satisfaction

Maxwell Akin
5 min readDec 7, 2021


Satisfaction is a very, very powerful feeling.

So powerful, in fact, that it can be the key to living the life you wish to live.

You will, by reading this essay, learn why that is.

You will then learn how you can harness the power of satisfaction to bring your wishes to life.

The Power Of Feeling It Real

Every single facet of my “manifestation philosophy” is rooted in two key notions: the limitless creative power we, as human beings, possess, as well as the power of our imagination.

My interest, and belief in, those two notions came from reading the work of Neville Goddard — along with other New Thought writers — as well as my own experiences with those ideas.

Out of all the methods and techniques I’ve experimented with, none has been more effective than that of “feeling it real”.

To feel it real, you must step into the feelings you would be experiencing, if your desire was a fact of your life, in this moment.

The act of feeling it real for my wishes has brought me a freelance writing career, some great friends, the experience of living in Cambodia and Malaysia, a never ending abundance of fun creative ideas/projects; along with many other things.

None of this is to say that there haven’t been failures or setbacks: there have been, and there continue to be, for that seems to be a basic fact of living and experiencing.

Even so, though, the failures and setbacks — which I intend to discuss, in future essays — are few and far between, especially when compared to the successes.

Stepping into the feeling of satisfaction has, when it comes to my wishes, allowed me to bring them to life with remarkable ease.

Satisfaction Is Infinitely Flexible

Satisfaction is, according to Google’s dictionary, “fulfillment of one’s wishes, expectations, or needs, or the pleasure derived from this.”

For the purposes of this essay, let’s focus more on the latter definition.

The pleasure derived from the fulfillment of your wish is a strong, powerful feeling that, in my experience, brings with it a sense of comfort and inner peace.

Beyond the comfort and inner peace, there’s a knowing that things are good. Things are good and, since things are so good, you are grateful and appreciative for what you are experiencing.

You can feel a sense of satisfaction towards any desire.

You can feel satisfied with your career. You can feel satisfied with your day. You can feel satisfied with your relationships. You can feel satisfied with the money in your bank account. You can feel satisfied with your home. You can feel satisfied with your life.

And so on and so forth…

To invoke the feeling of satisfaction, with regards to your wish, you need a method.

You will, by reading the rest of this essay, learn two methods. Both of these methods are simple and easy, allowing for easy, pleasant results.

My hope is that these two methods allow you to evoke the feeling of satisfaction which will, in turn, turn your desire into a present fact of your life.

Writing Your Wish Into Reality

Right before we dive into the “Writing It Real” method — feeling it real, through writing — there’s one thing you should know: this method is hit-and-miss.

Sometimes, Writing It Real works very, very well. Sometimes, it really doesn’t.

I’m not sure why it works sometimes and, other times, doesn’t seem to work at all.

My assumption is that it has something to do with the intensity of my feeling, as well as the length of time that feeling lasts.

But, that’s just one theory. The real answer is unknown.

Regardless of that, though, Writing It Real is a simple, easy method that takes as little as five-minutes and, if you enjoy writing, can be quite fun.

To begin this method, select your wish.

You can choose anything, so make it something that matters.

Right after you select your wish, take out a sheet of paper, or open a document on your computer.

In my experience, both work fine, so choose what is most comfortable.

As soon as you’re ready, begin writing as if your wish is a reality and, as a result, you are feeling grateful, happy, and very satisfied.

Just let the words come to you, writing as if your wish is a present fact of your life and, perhaps, has been for a while.

Soon enough, the feelings of your fulfilled wish — satisfaction, as well as gratitude and happiness — should arise within you.

Just let yourself keep writing, for as long as you want, to sustain these feelings.

Right after you feel satisfied with what you’ve written, as well as the intensity of your feelings, you can stop writing.

Soon enough, assuming you have been able to feel your wish as a reality, you will experience the fulfillment of your desire.

A Pleasant Conversation

Even though Writing It Real is a great method, it’s not always as reliable as a pleasant conversation.

Right before you begin this method you must, of course, select a wish.

Select a wish that means something to you.

Right after you select your wish, let yourself imagine, for a moment, that your chosen wish is a present fact of your life.

Let yourself think from the fulfillment of this with.

You can begin thinking about how much you appreciate this wish, what you are doing now that your wish is a reality, the sense of satisfaction present within your life; and so on and so forth.

Just assume that your wish is a reality and think from that assumption, embracing, and enjoying, the feelings and sensibilities that arise.

A wish for more money, for example, might lead to an inner conversation, with yourself, regarding what you are doing with this money, the sense of security you feel, as well as just how satisfied you feel with your financial situation.

Just like the feeling of satisfaction itself, along with the “Writing It Real” method, the possibilities available to you are limitless.


Remember, no matter what it is that you long for, the feeling of satisfaction can be found in the moments right after the fulfillment of that wish.

By moving into the feeling of satisfaction, you can bring all that you desire to life, with remarkable ease.

As always, thank you so much for reading this essay! If you would like to reach me, for any reason at all, you can do so at “”.

Best wishes, and have a lovely, lovely day!



Maxwell Akin
Maxwell Akin

Written by Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “”.

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