The Awe Of Combination — Part 01
Our goal, with this essay, is sharing.
Sharing what?
A very lovely experience that occured in early June of 2023.
The second part clarifies methods you can employ to command similar experiences into your life.
A Pleasant Moment
On a pleasant morning in early June of 2023, a rather peculiar idea flashed into my mind.
“Write an essay based entirely on combining different quotes together.”
Or, more specifically, take a few quotes and then combine them. And, then, turn that into an essay.
The idea seemed rather strange. But, at the same time, rather interesting.
Right after my girlfriend — Noun — left to get some food, I began finding quotes to stitch together.
The quotes that were used for this have been forgotten.
Or, at least, mostly forgotten.
I recall one of them being the “Connect the dots” quote from Steve Jobs. And, right after that, another quote was from Ralph Waldo Emerson; the exact quote has been forgotten, though.
On this lovely June morning, each one of these quotes led to an explosion.
A tremendous explosion of ideas.
Ideas centered on information, history, methods, tools; and so on and so forth.
Out of all these ideas, my favorite was that there is, in fact, an infinite wealth of information in our Universe.
A neverending wealth of information that exists within an infinite amount of unique mediums.
Just as an example, my essays and their tools, as well as the ideas they are connected to.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
The culmination of this writing was a set of ideas that evoked a deep sense of awe, wonder, and magic.
Just Beyond Our Pleasant Moment
Right beyond our pleasant moment there was a tremendous sense of awe.
A tremendous sense of awe that lasted for one week.
My feeling of awe encompassed love, peace, magic; and a great deal more that has, alas, been forgotten.
Right within these feelings, there were new interests, fascinations, and pursuits.
Such as information, writing, and language.
I read a number of books on those topics and wrote stories/essays engaging with them.
The feelings faded. But, this experience — of combining and creating; new paths opening to me — remains within.
If you read this essay, thank you so much!
But, even if you didn’t, thank you.
Best wishes and have a lovely, lovely day!