Scripting Your Wishes Into Being

Maxwell Akin
4 min readSep 19, 2024


Our intention, with this essay, is sharing.

Sharing what?

A scripting practice that may be very, very useful for you.

A Simple Practice

The scripting practice at the center of this essay is rooted in one act.

Sitting down and writing a sentence that starts with “I really love…”

Right after you begin this sentence, you share something that you really, really want.

A desire. A yearning. A wish.

And so on and so forth.

Unlike other scripting practices, though, there are three things that are crucial:

  1. You must write for an extended period of time; ten to twenty minutes, for example.
  2. You must clarify your wishes using vague, but evocative, language.
  3. You must write about a wide variety of different desires, yearnings, and wishes.

You can find a clarification, for each one of these points, right below:

  1. By writing for an extended period of time, it is easier for the feelings behind your wishes to be evoked. This makes it easier for them to arrive/manifest.
  2. By using vague, but evocative, language, you can more easily evoke the feeling/experience of your wish fulfilled, without focusing too much on the “How” or “When,” among other barriers/hindrances.
  3. By writing about a wide variety of different desires, yearnings, and wishes, it is easier for you to experience them and, then, let go of them. This allows for easier, and often much faster, manifestations.

Every single one of the above is something that has been a game-changer for me.

All sorts of wishes came forth with remarkable ease. Just from using those three ideas.

It Works

Our second section is concerned with a question.

Why does this work?

My answer is “I don’t know.”

Right within this answer, there is one more thing.

“I don’t know why this works. But, I have two ideas.”

My first idea is that there is a deeper mind within us. And, this deeper mind does the “work.”

The work that comprises manifesting/attraction/creation.

Just as an example, if you want a new job, you can imagine this job.

You can imagine this job and, in doing so, experience this job.

By doing so, you will, ideally, get this job.

The work starts within your conscious mind.

Your thoughts. Your feelings. Your intentions.

Every single one of the above is used to imprint something on your deeper.

The “something,” in question, is your wish.

Or, more specifically, the experience of your wish as a present fact.

If this is imprinted upon you, then your deeper mind has no choice but to bring your wish, and all that it entails, to fulfillment.

That is my idea.

My second idea is that our deeper mind acts on the commands we give it.

If we give it an intention — “I want a new job” — then it will make this intention a reality.

Or, at least, it will, if we allow ourselves to feel that it will happen.

We need to convince ourselves that it’s possible.

Or, alternatively, we need to get out of the way, forfeiting our worries and anxieties, so that it can do so.

If this is true, then scripting and feeling, well, those may be unnecessary.

And, yet, they are useful: they help us clarify our intentions while also letting us feel that they are inevitable.

The above may or may not be true. But, to me, these two ideas appear to have merit.

A Quick Example

You can find a quick example, of a script similar to the one outlined in this essay, right below:

  1. I really love that I received a new job that pays super-duper well today!
  2. I really love that I am really loving this new job!
  3. I really love that I have so much good work and I am making great money!
  4. I really love that I feel at home with this job; I’m home and I love it so much!
  5. I really love that I found a ton of awesome books on information and its connection to Platonism.
  6. I really love that I am really loving these books; they are super fun to read!
  7. I really love that I received some incredible news tonight!
  8. I really love that I am feeling so inspired and energetic today!
  9. I really love that I watched a great movie and I thought it was super fun!
  10. I really love that I enjoyed some super tasty baked treats this week!
  11. I really love that I made a ton of money this month!
  12. I really love that I am doing what I love to do and feeling so passionate and inspired!
  13. I really love the passion that is flowing through me!
  14. I really love that I am writing so many awesome essays!
  15. I really love that I am so excited to write these essays and that I really, really love doing so!
  16. I really love that I am having an amazing week and I am really so happy to be alive!
  17. I really love that I have a new phone that is super sleek and awesome and great for me!
  18. I really love that I ate some fantastic food and, man, it tasted so well!
  19. I really love that I am where I want to be in life; I have what I want and I love that so much!
  20. I really love that I watched “The Wire;” the series was fantastic and I’m so glad I finally got around to it.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

If you can write something like the above — aligned with your own wishes and sensibilities, of course — you will begin seeing shifts, changes, and possibilities arrive in your life.

The above is my promise to you.


Just to wrap this up, thank you so much for reading!

If you enjoyed this Medium essay, please feel free to reach out with an email sent to “”

Best wishes and have a great day!



Maxwell Akin
Maxwell Akin

Written by Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “”.

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