Power-Scaling, Possibilities, And Transcending Your Limits
Our intention, with this essay, is exploring.
Exploring what?
A somewhat-forgotten passion that once occupied much of my time.
No, not merely “my time;” my dreams, yearnings, desires, and enthusiasm.
Regardless of that, though, let’s begin.
A Forgotten Passion
The word “passion” may not be accurate.
But, it’s close.
I used to love reading about omnipotent beings, all-power machines, unending multiverses; and so on and so forth.
Just as an example, “The One Above All,” in the Marvel Comic Book Universe, has the ability to rewrite reality.
To make it anything — absolutely anything — that he wishes.
Something about that just spoke to me in a way that so few other things did or, perhaps, even could in those days.
It brought me closer to God.
Sounds silly, right?
I’m joking. But, not that much.
Somehow, and in some way, this was my faith.
My connection to something bigger than myself.
Something much, much bigger.
That might’ve been it.
But, not just infinity; power and possibility and mystery, we could say.
If nothing else, I really loved thinking about what I would do if I could, say, create new universes.
My answers were uninspiring and rather boring. And, they were those things, to me, too.
Just as an example, one of my answers was “Create infinite fantasy worlds to explore!”
The “fantasy worlds,” in question, were almost certainly inspired by assorted comic books and video games, as well as anything else that happened to be percolating in my consciousness at that time.
Really, though, it wasn’t what I would do with these powers that inspired me: it was the possibility.
Just the sense that, if I was these things, I could do so much with it. And, this “so much” entailed, by its very nature, things that my younger self could never see, perceive, or, even, think.
This is tangential, vague, and discursive. But, the point still stands: I found a sense of true vastness, mystery, and wonder, in fictional beings, transcendent technologies, and strange fantasy worlds.
Oh, and, just to reiterate one last thought: it wasn’t what these things could do that interested me, it was what they suggested. And, what they suggested, was an infinite vastness that went beyond boredom, limitation, or habit.
Greater Levels Of Power
Every character, machine, and idea exists on a scale.
A scale of power, ability, skill; and so on and so forth.
Just as an example, a character may possess the ability to alter reality.
But, this character is limited, in one major way: they are bound to the Laws of Physics.
If this character wants to alter reality, they must do so, within the Laws Of Physics.
Right above this tier, within the scale, there is another power: altering reality, beyond the Laws of Physics.
And, well, it just keeps going higher and higher; ad infinitum.
Or, at least, that’s the basic idea: infinite growth, initiation, transcendence; ad infinitum.
Just as an example, a character may be able to alter reality.
But, they can only do so, within the known Laws of Physics.
On the other hand, another character may have the same ability, but this time, they can alter, and transcend, the Laws of Physics.
Just beyond this framework, there are ever-higher transcendences; the transcendence of language, the transcendence of time, the transcendence of all limits and, then, the transcendence of the limits inherent within that; ad infinitum.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
You can apply this same framework to an infinite wealth of other powers, abilities, notions; ad infinitum.
A Neverending Wealth Of Possibilities
The scale of power — other terms can, and often do, apply, but this is the most precise — is a scale of possibility.
It took me a while to realize this. But, now that I do, it’s easy to see what this is about.
To really see what all of this is about.
Our lives are rooted in the possibilities, paths, and potentials that we believe are available to us.
If you have a certain amount of money then, the premise goes, there are certain possibilities available to you.
The more money you have, the more possibilities available to you.
You can apply this same logic to the powers that characters, machines, and ideas have, in different works of fiction.
A character who can alter reality, but only within the spaces and visions demarcated by the Laws of Physics, has an infinite number of possibilities available to them.
If that same character can alter reality beyond the Laws of Physics, then they have an infinite number of possibilities available to them; this infinite set, as it were, is infinitely greater than the set outlined above, yet both are infinite.
The above is confusing. But, integral to the notion we’re trying to communicate.
Every single one of us has an infinite number of possibilities available to them.
But, some of us have, by all appearances, a greater infinitude of possibilities; this is due to the resources and skills and traits — and so on and so forth — that we possess.
We are bound to these qualities.
Or, more specifically, we are bound to the powers, as it were, that we possess.
But, what if this wasn’t quite true?
What if we were bound to one thing, and one thing only: our own, absolutely wonderful, human imagination?
What if we could imagine anything and, in doing so, it would become a fact of our life?
What if?
It was this sentiment that led me to the work of Neville Goddard.
Right within the moments that occured, before, during, and after my engagements with Neville’s work, I found my field of possibilities enriching itself in a manner that goes beyond infinity, endlessness, and limitlessness.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
Just to wrap this up, thank you so much for reading!
My apologies for the vague, somewhat unclear, rambling within this essay.
The point is unclear, even to me; something about possibilities being adjacent to resources and, then, the transcendence of that concept, through the work of Neville Goddard.
Or, well, something like that.
Regardless of that, though, please have a fantastic day!