Planting And Watering The Seed Of Your Desire
No matter our desire, if we persist in feeling that it is real and present, it will solidify into a fact of our world.
For us to succeed, then, we must persist. No matter our desire, we must persist in feeling it as a reality. For if we can feel our desire as a reality, then it must become a reality, due to the infinite creative power that we truly are.
Many of us — and, as always, by “many of us”, I am really only speaking of myself — understand this truth, at least on one level or another. But, putting it into practice can often be slightly challenging, especially if we have never put these truths into practice before.
Plant The Seed; Then, Water It
Every desire that you possess can be likened to a single beautiful seed.
For a seed to sprout, it must be buried in fertile soil. Once it has been buried in fertile soil, it must be watered. The seed may take some time to sprout, but the water allows the seed to transform, as it is buried within the soil. At the right time, the seed sprouts out of the soil, no longer a seed, but an extraordinary plant.
A desire, for it to become a present fact, must be buried within the fertile soil of your consciousness. All that is required of you, for this to happen, is to know what it is that you truly desire, and then to choose this desire as that which you are going to express and experience in your life.
For your desire to sprout out of the fertile soil of your consciousness, it must be watered. To water the desire, you must see and experience your desire as a present fact. For you to do that, you must use your imagination. You can use your imagination in an endless number of ways, but the ways that may be easiest and most useful for you are found in these links.
A desire that you have less attachment to may require just one watering. Just the sense that the desire has been fulfilled, and then, that’s it. A desire that you have far more attachment to, and far more uncertainty regarding, may take longer to sprout. For a desire of that sort to sprout, it must be watered more frequently, and with greater consistency.
My various past experiences have taught me that one of the main keys to fulfilling any desire is not just persistence, but consistency. By taking the time to water your desire every single day — immersing yourself into the feelings of that desire being a present fact — you transform yourself, and the world around you, far more quickly and effortlessly than you would if you were watering your desires on a more sporadic and inconsistent basis.
Through the act of watering your desires every single day, with consistency and persistence, your desires will become the facts of your life.
All you must do is show up, every single day, and immerse yourself in the feelings that come from your desire being a present fact.
You can immerse yourself in these feelings for as long, or as little, as you want. For myself, though, I tend to do it for at least fifteen-minutes, since fifteen-minutes is long enough for me to become completely immersed. That way, when I end the session, I find that my world looks, and feels, so much different.
While I cannot say when your desire, whatever it may be, will fulfill itself, I can promise that if you are consistent in imagining it as a present fact, that it will become a fact.
Beyond that, though, even if there is nothing at this present moment that you truly desire, I recommend engaging with your imagination every single day.
Just by imagining and engaging with certain feelings — whether they are feelings of gratitude, happiness, excitement, peace; ad infinitum — you will bring about the realities that those feelings imply. The really amazing thing about this is that the realities those feelings imply will express themselves within your life, even if you are completely unaware of what those realities actually are!
Thank you so much for reading this brief essay of mine! I hope that you enjoyed reading it, and I hope that it was practical and inspiring for you! If you want to reach me for ANY reason at all, you can do so at “”!
Best Wishes & Have A Great Day!