Odd Visions Of Endless Writing
Our intention, with this essay, is sharing.
Sharing what?
A few visions of endless writing.
Vision 01: Plexing 888 Documents
Our first vision is simple: a folder with 888 written documents within it.
Some of these documents are essays.
Some of these documents are journal entries.
Some of these documents are stories.
Some of these documents are personal writings.
And so on and so forth.
On my end, I imagine my journals, essays, short books, and stories; among the other things that have been written,
Just imagine 888 documents.
And, then, imagine this figure, being plexed to itself.
Right before we go into what arises from this plex, we will define a plex.
A plex is when you take a number — “1,” for example — and add that number of zeros to it.
If we plex the number “1,” we get “10.”
“10” is the number “1,” with one zero in front of it.
Returning to our vision, we plex the number of documents, within this folder.
And, in doing so, we get a new, truly awe-inspiring, number of documents.
Our new number is as follows:
Our third number is the number outlined above, with that number of zeros in front of it.
We cannot imagine this number. Nor can we ever understand it.
Our third number is, simply, far too big.
Just as you might assume, the notion outlined above is true of every single number, that arises past the second plex.
We cannot imagine the third number. And, we certainly can’t imagine the fourth number.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
Right within this vision, there is something else.
Every second is composed of 1,000 nanoseconds.
Just imagine, then, that within every nanosecond, there is a selara-second.
Every nanosecond consists of one million selara-seconds.
Our process of plexing, as it were, occurs every selara-second.
Right within a single second, then, one billion plexes, of the documents in our folder, will have occured.
We cannot imagine the third number this process produces. And, given that, we cannot even begin to imagine the number of documents that a single second, when it has been completed, will have generated.
You can imagine this process occurring across a vast body of time.
158 trillion years. Or, 338 maha-kalpas.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
Our first vision is infinitely flexible, vast, malleable; ad infinitum.
Just as an example, you could plex the number of years it would take, to read these documents.
That way, you are growing the documents within the folder, using years.
Or, you could plex the number of infinite sets — each one with infinite documents — using this plexing process.
Yet another example is working with sinora-seconds, of which there are 888 trillion, in a single second.
Every single sinora-second, 888 folders, each one with endless writings and documents, are plexed to itself.
The possibilities, potentials, and paths are vast and infinite.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
Vision 02: A Vision Of Endless Generation
Our second vision is rooted within an image.
Close your eyes and imagine a wide corridor.
You look in front of you. And, there is no visible ending.
You look behind you. And, there is no visible ending.
But, there is an ending; you cannot see it and, yet, you know it is there.
To the left and right, there are 888 large black cubes.
Every single one of these large black cubes is an infinite information generator.
Right within every single one of the generators that exists within this infinite space, there are an infinite number of sets, series, lists, arrays, containers, makers — ad infinitum — that contain, generate, produce, sort, make — ad infinitum — infinite, endless, limitless, unending — ad infinitum — documents, writings, works; ad infinitum.
Just as an example, you can find, within one generator, an infinite wealth of documents, writings, works — ad infinitum — such as essays, books, articles; ad infinitum.
You can go through these for an infinite number of eternities. And, in doing so, you will never find, reach, or make any endings, boundaries, limits, or conclusions to the essays — among infinite other things — waiting to be read.
On top of that, these cubes exist as endless repositories of infinite infinities, endless interfaces, limitless digital spaces; and so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
Our concern, though, is with the generators.
Just imagine 888 generators.
Each one is infinite.
And, then, imagine the 888 generators you see around you turning into this number of generators:
You cannot imagine this number of generators.
There are simply too many for you to conceive.
You can imagine this number of generators growing.
Growing and growing.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
Vision 03: The Spark Of Movement
Our third vision is rooted in a higher vision of plexing.
A higher vision of plexing centered on “super-plexes.”
Right before we dive in, super-plexes are a spark that, when activated, propel something beyond infinity.
Just as an example, you can imagine a ladder.
On this ladder, there is “infinity.”
Right above that rung, there is a higher concept.
A higher concept that we cannot even imagine.
You can imagine going through an endless wealth of writing.
And, you can imagine super-plexing your exploratory activities, so that you are interacting with this endless wealth of writing, while using concepts that are far higher than infinity.
No matter what you do, though, there are no endings, limits, boundaries; ad infinitum.
The above is true, even if you transcend, and go beyond, notions of endings, limits, boundaries; ad infinitum.
Just to wrap this up, thank you for reading!
If you enjoyed this, please feel free to reach out with an email sent to “maxwellcakin@gmail.com.”
Best wishes and have a great day!