Manifesting With Ease
Manifesting all that you desire, and creating the life you truly long for, should be easy and fun.
But, of course, sometimes it isn’t easy or fun. Sometimes, it’s actually quite challenging.
The reason manifesting what we desire is challenging has, in my experience, nothing to do with the mechanics of manifesting that which you desire.
Rather, manifesting is challenging because we make it challenging.
You see, we are creative beings. Creative beings that possess extraordinary creative power. The creative power that we possess — and are — is not something that can ever be extinguished, reduced, or taken away.
But, the possibilities this creative power allows for, and the abilities that we have access to, can be locked away behind unfortunate habits and practices that do not serve us.
Lately, this is something I’ve been dealing with. I’m making a lot of progress, and regaining a lot of what was never lost but, rather, hidden away.
The remainder of this essay is all about how you can regain your extraordinary creative abilities, enabling you to easily create the life you truly hunger to live.
Make It Easy
You are a creative being. You possess extraordinary creative power.
Accessing the creative power that you possess — and are — is easy. Harnessing the creative power that you possess — and are — is also easy.
The reason it may not seem easy is, in my experience, a result of small choices and habitual patterns that make things a lot more difficult than they need to be.
Right below this section, you will find three more sections. Each one of these three sections is about a simple action — a choice that you can turn into a habit — that will make manifesting anything significantly easier.
If you choose to make the choices outlined below, you will be able to move away from choices and patterns that lock away your creative power, while also being able to manifest what you truly desire with ease and joy.
To manifest what it is that you truly desire, you must know what it is that you truly desire.
Let’s say you want to manifest a specific amount of money.
Take a moment to think about why you want that money. Is there anything, in particular, that you want to use it for? A specific purchase you want to make? Some kind of item? Perhaps, an investment, of one sort or another?
As soon as you know what this money is for, you can then go directly to your true wish, which is what you want to use the money for.
When it comes to money, you can do this for anything. You can focus on living a certain lifestyle, possessing a certain amount of money in the form of tangible assets, owning a specific possession or type of possession; along with many other things.
But, the key here is clarity. Knowing what you want, beyond the surface of what it seems like you want.
Even if you think you know what you desire, it is still worth thinking about it some more and meditating on what your desire means to you.
To give yourself even more clarity, you can ask a couple of questions.
If your desire was a reality, how would you see the world?
If your desire was a reality, how would you see yourself?
If your desire was a reality, in what ways would your average day change?
By asking yourself these questions, you can figure out what your desire truly means to you, and how its fulfillment would transform your world.
Every little bit of that information enables you to more easily feel your desire as a present fact, bringing it forth into your experience of the world.
Trying to feel your desire as a reality, and bring it into being, while in a bad mood, stressed out, or anxious is never a good idea.
The reason it is never a good idea is because, in my experience, the only byproduct of doing so is a bad mood that is even worse, more stress, and even greater levels of anxiety.
Attempting to force your desire into reality, and assuming that its fulfillment will relieve you of whatever is currently ailing you, is a harmful habit that’s too easy to create.
More often than not, neither intended results — your desire becoming a fact, and the sense of relief that you seek — come from such a habit.
To manifest what you desire with ease, engage with your manifestation practice — for me, this involves feeling my desire as a reality, through practices such as inner conversations, imaginal scenes, and writing — when you are relaxed, content, and capable of enjoying the experience.
For me, this is often while laying in the sun, going on a nice walk, laying in bed, or sitting at my desk.
As soon as you are relaxed, at peace, and capable of focusing on your desire as if it is a present fact of your life, you can then begin your practice.
The fruits of your practice, when performed in a mood of relaxed peacefulness, will never be anything less than extraordinary.
Let Go
Just about every book on manifestation — or any other related term, for that matter — talks about “letting go”.
Letting go is, in my experience, not always necessary. But, it is exceptionally useful and, for some, it is the right choice.
By letting go, you allow your desire to come into being.
You forfeit the need to look for signs of your desire’s fulfillment. You forfeit the need to force your desire into reality. You forfeit the need for anxiety and stress.
Rather, you simply let your desire go off and come forth into your world.
The easiest way to let go is, in my experience, to complete your practice, for the time being, and to just focus on something else.
More often than not, the “something else” in question is a chore or task that needs to be taken care of.
Putting the dishes away. Sweeping up my bedroom. Finishing some work for a client. Writing a Medium essay. Walking my dogs. Sending an email. Making an appointment.
And so on and so forth; the list is endless.
Each one of those tasks is, for me, an obligation that must be attended to. By giving my attention to those obligations — of which there is no shortage — my attention is away from my desires and, as a result, those desires can come forth without anxiety and stress tampering with what’s been sown and, if left alone, shall soon be reaped.
My suggestion for you is that, right after you complete your practice, no matter what it is, you turn your attention towards one of your obligations.
Do so for a time. And, when you would like to perform your practice once more, do so. Right after, though, continue to focus on your current obligations.
If you let go of your desires, surrendering them so that they may become a reality, your desires will become the facts of your life far sooner than you can ever expect.
I am not entirely sure why this is, but in my experience, even though it is not always necessary, it never fails to work very, very well.
Manifesting is easy.
All you must do, to manifest all that you desire, is access and harness your extraordinary creative power.
The easiest way for you to do this is invest your time and attention into useful habits and practices.
All three of the habits and practices outlined above are, within the realm of experience that is my life, always useful and always valuable.
For you, my deepest hope is that the three habits and practices outlined above aid you in creating wonderful results.
As always, thank you so much for reading! If you want to reach me, for any reason at all, you can do so at “”.
Best Wishes & Have A Lovely Day!