Making The Most Of Your Month

Maxwell Akin
5 min readOct 4, 2020


Every month, many of us create a vision for what we wish to accomplish and create. More often than not, this vision consists of various goals and ambitions, all of which we hope to achieve within the month.

No one is going to deny the power of this act. One of the most important things that you can do, no matter who you are, is to get clear on what you desire. By doing this, you unlock forces and energies greater than yourself, allowing for those desires to become present within your own life.

Many of us, though, think of our goals and ambitions, rather than from them. Sometimes, depending on the goal or ambition, we assume that it won’t happen, and as such, we write down the goal or ambition, but then fail to consider it after we have written it down.

The reason this happens is, in my experience, because we assume that it is unreachable and, since we are still thinking of the goal or ambition rather than from the goal or ambition, we consign ourselves to failure.

If you truly desire to fulfill a particular goal or ambition, though, within a specific period of time, then you can do it. You are a being of infinite creative power — creative power that goes beyond limitations — and you can make use of this creative power in a manner that is easy and effortless.

Rather than thinking of the goal or ambition, though, you may find that thinking from the fulfillment of the goal or ambition is far easier. By thinking from the fulfillment of your goal or ambition, you begin operating under the assumption that your goal or ambition has already been fulfilled, even if you aren’t experiencing it just yet, and continuing to operate under this assumption brings about its fulfillment.

You can find these same ideas within the work of Neville Goddard. Statements such as “Live From The End” and “Dare To Assume That You Are The Man You Wish To Be”. Each one of these statements asserts a very special truth: that which you assume to be true, will become true.

In my experience, one of the best, and easiest, ways to feel your goals and ambitions as having been accomplished, allowing that to turn into an assumption which then hardens into fact, is to engage in a simple “Imaginary Conversation” that affirms the fact that your goals and ambitions have been completed.

The difference between an “Imaginary Conversation and an “Inner Conversation”, which we often speak about on this blog is…well, there really isn’t one. The term “Imaginary Conversation” has a certain quality to it that I really like, though. But, in truth, you can use any name that you would like for this particular concept. It all depends on what you like and what resonates with you!

Engaging In A Powerful Imaginary Conversation

Right before we dive into the specifics of this technique, it’s important to mention that the essence of this technique is that you are speaking to your diary and recording your thoughts on the month — or any period of time, really — and how proud you are of what you have accomplished.

For myself, this technique is easy, since I have a diary and I can easily see myself writing and sharing what I have accomplished in that diary. But, if you don’t have a diary, you can imagine that you are speaking to a friend, writing a letter to someone about what you’ve done, or even just talking to yourself and affirming the wonderful things that you have done.

Step 01: Know What You Want

Knowing what you want is easy enough. But, even if you think you know what you want to accomplish, think over it one more time and make sure. The best goals and ambitions are clear, concise, and meaningful.

If your goal or ambition doesn’t fall under all three of those labels, then that’s usually a sign that it needs a little bit of refinement. Remember to think about what the goal or ambition means to you, and what accomplishing it means in relation to the events occurring after it has been fulfilled.

Step 02: Take A Nice Walk

Everytime I engage with this technique, I go on a walk. Going on a walk is easy, it’s a great way to get some exercise, and I enjoy being in nature. But, personally, I enjoy going late at night or really earning in the morning, when there are fewer people around, because it lets me really focus and concentrate on the Imaginary Conversation.

If you do not want to go on a walk, then you don’t have to. If you want to lie on your bed or on a chair, for example, then you can definitely do that. But, personally, I find that going on a walk makes the Imaginary Conversation all the more powerful. I am not entirely sure why that is.

Step 03: As You Are Walking, Engage In The Imaginary Conversation

As you are walking, engage in the Imaginary Conversation. All you need to do, to engage in this conversation, is to begin with a statement such as “October Has Been A Wonderful Month!” or “I Am So Proud Of What I’ve Accomplished This Week!”. Any statement will work, in truth, but statements of that sort tend to be very powerful.

Right after using this statement, you should begin adding to it. Move into statements regarding the fulfillment of your goals and ambitions, the fact that you feel like a changed man/woman, your gratitude for what has taken place, your excitement for the next month — ad infinitum — there are endless possibilities.

Initially, adding to the statement may feel a bit forced. It may end up going a little bit like this:

October Has Been A Wonderful Month, I Am Really…Proud And Grateful. It Feels So Good To Have Finished That Novel. I Am So Grateful And So Happy That It’s Done. I Am So…Excited To See Where It Goes.

If you persist, though, and continue the Imaginary Conversation, I guarantee that it will become easy and natural. You just have to push through that initial period of forcefulness.

Step 04: Say “Thank You” And End The Imaginary Conversation

The exact length of the Imaginary Conversation will depend entirely on you. You can continue the Imaginary Conversation for as long — or as little — as you want. But, past a certain point, you will probably feel so good and so certain that you won’t see a need to continue. Once that happens, you should end the conversation.

To end the conversation, I recommend saying “Thank You”. Just say “Thank You” and know that everything is moving in the necessary direction and that you are going where you need to go. It is all taken care of, everything that’s needed for the fulfillment of your goal or ambition, and you are going to have a great month!

After you engage in the Imaginary Conversation, you may feel the need to do another one, since you don’t feel the same sense of certainty and confidence. If that happens, then you should engage in another Imaginary Conversation. But, understand that you are powerful and that there is no need to force or prod; all you must do is relax into your infinite creative power and, by understanding who you are, things will flow in an effortless and relaxed manner.

To borrow the words of a great king, “Remember who you are”.


Thank you so much for reading this quick essay! I hope that you enjoyed it and found the content insightful, inspiring, and useful! As always, if you would like to reach me for any reason at all — a conversation, questions, or concerns — you can do so at “”!

Best Wishes & Have A Great Day!



Maxwell Akin
Maxwell Akin

Written by Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “”.

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