Making A Daily Investment
In our day-to-day lives, each one of us invests our time and energy into particular choices and activities. For most of us, many of the choices and activities that we engage with on one day, are then carried over into the next day.
These are habits. Habits of thought, habits of decision, habits of action, habits of feeling, habits of breathing; ad infinitum. We all have our habits, and our habits are responsible for the shaping of not just our day-to-day life — which is merely a microcosm of the macrocosm — but the entirety of our life, and the very essence of who we are and what we feel.
Much can be said about “good habits” and “bad habits”, but in this quick essay, we’re going to focus less on those distinctions, and more on one very particular habit that, I believe, is both creative, and transformative, in nature.
What Is This Habit?
In the work of Neville Goddard, there is a concept known as “Feel It Real”. To “feel it real”, means to feel the state of your wish fulfilled, in that moment. In that moment, you step into the feelings of your wish, whatever it may be, having been fulfilled. There is no emphasis on the “How” of the matter, merely the feeling of having had your wish fulfilled.
Within Neville Goddard’s work, there is emphasis on the various methods and techniques that can be used to “feel it real”. Perhaps, the most famous one is that of drifting closer and closer to sleep, and then enveloping your mind in a scene that implies the wish having been fulfilled.
In this scene, there are various sensory details that convey the truth and presence of both the scene, and the fulfillment of your wish. As you drift into the realm of sleep and dream, you are creating the state of your wish fulfilled, and experiencing that in the present moment.
Of course, Neville Goddard spoke of various other methods and tools, as well. The “State Akin To Sleep Method”, as it is often called, is but one way of feeling it real. There are methods that involve engaging in that same scene, while wide awake, or directing your Inner Conversation towards the fulfillment of your wish; among many others.
As you may have guessed, the habit I am speaking of is that of feeling it real, each and every day. If you feel it real, every single day, you will create miracles beyond your imagination, and you will fulfill the wishes and desires in your heart with exceptional ease.
What Does Feeling It Real, Every Single Day, Bring You?
In feeling it real, every single day, you are persisting in the state of your wish fulfilled and becoming a conscious director of both the form that your life takes, and the very essence of who you are.
In feeling it real, every single day, you awaken to the infinite creative powers that are within you and directly in your grasp.
In feeling it real, every single day, you create and experience all of the wishes and desires that you hold within, and you do so with joy and ease.
By simply taking the time to feel the state of your wish fulfilled, every single day, you will create beautiful transformations within your life, and yourself. All it takes is five-minutes — or more, if you want — to create these transformations.
For those who do not know what they desire, per se, then by simply feeling the state of happiness, contentment, abundance, or joy — to name just a few transformative feelings — you, too, will experience miracles within your life.
To End This Essay…
As always, thank you so much for reading this essay! I hope that you enjoyed reading this essay, and that you found it to be inspiring and informative! If there’s anything that you’re curious about or concerned with — or, if you just want to have a nice conversation — you can reach me at “”.
Peace Be With You & Have A Lovely Day!