How To Generate Infinite Ideas With Pleasure, Speed, And Ease

Maxwell Akin
5 min readDec 14, 2021


You are a creative being.

You possess a limitless abundance of creative power.

You can, with this creative power, do anything.

This, naturally, includes generating ideas, on any topic, with pleasure, speed, and ease.

To engage with the creative energy that you possess, you can — and should — use a good method.

You will, by reading this brief essay, learn three methods that have been useful to me.

Each one of these methods will allow you to generate an infinite number of ideas, for any purpose, with remarkable pleasure, speed, and ease.

A Massive List Of Ideas

Right now, in this moment, you possess an infinite number of ideas, just waiting to be recorded.

Do you know why they aren’t being recorded, or even being acknowledged?

None of these ideas have the space they need to exist.

You, as a creative person, must give your ideas the space they need.

To do this, you will need to go beyond your assumptions and judgements — the two things that block the majority of our ideas — so that those ideas can come forth and, in turn, be recorded.

The easiest way for you to do this is to set a theme and set a timer.

Set a theme you would like to explore, with the ideas that you will be creating.

So, if you want to explore new career paths, or come up with ways to expand your mind and grow new neural pathways, then that will be your theme.

Right after you come up with your theme, set a timer.

Just as an example, your theme may be “Ways To Expand Your Mind And Create New Neural Pathways”. This was, in fact, my theme, just a few days ago.

Set your timer for as little as five-minutes, so that you have enough time to come up with a variety of ideas.

You can, of course, set your timer for longer, if you choose to.

As soon as you know your theme, and have some time set aside, you can begin generating ideas.

Just let the ideas come to you and, when they do so, write them down.

Your goal is to come up with as many ideas as you can, within the time you’ve given yourself.

To make this a little easier, you can set a big idea quota that goes beyond what you assume you can come up with in the small amount of time you have.

Let yourself write down every idea that comes to you, knowing that it is, in some way, valuable.

Right after your timer goes off you will have a big, long list of ideas.

Many of these ideas will be good, even if they don’t appear to be.

Some of these ideas will be bad but, when it comes to creativity, bad just means “different” and, more often than not, “open-ended”.

After reading your list, if you find what you’re looking for, then that’s good enough.

But, if something’s missing, then you’re going to want to play with the next method.

Diving In Deep

Every single idea, in the list you just created, contains infinite depths within infinite depths.

You can dive into these depths and, in doing so, uncover a limitless abundance of new ideas.

For you to do this, you must select one idea.

The idea you choose can come from the list you just created. Or, your idea can be something that you gather from some other source.

Regardless of where your idea comes from, though, you must select one and, then, write it out.

Right after you write out your idea, allow yourself to consider what it means.

Let yourself consider what other concepts exist within the idea.

For example, if your idea is that you can expand your mind through the act of playing and creating games, then you have a lot to work with.

You can think about what, exactly, a game is.

You can think about how to create a game.

You can think about what, exactly, “play” is.

You can think about the individual components that comprise a game.

You can think about what “play” means to you.

You can think about what “fun” means to you.

You can think about the types of playful experiences you’ve had.

You can think about the way those playful experiences have expanded your mind.

And so on and so forth, infinitely and endlessly…

Each one of these associations exists, ready for you to enjoy.

You can take these associations and explore the ideas they evoke, allowing you to move through the unique paths of possibility and potential they each contain.

For a moment, you may find that none of this leads anywhere.

If you persist, though, you will find a rich abundance of ideas that expand on your main theme, all of which serve to grant you new perspectives that you can use and enjoy.


Even if you dive as deeply as you can into an idea, all while playing with the possibilities found within your idea, you may not find what you’re looking for.

Situations like these call for the addition of something new.

Something new and, perhaps most important of all, random.

You will, to use this method, need one idea.

Choose the idea you wish to explore.

Right after you choose this idea, you will need to add something to it.

Rather than doing this yourself, though, you’re going to be letting some “other force” do this for you.

You can select a book, a piece of music, a scene you encounter during a walk, a Tarot card — and so on and so forth — to be this “other force”.

Everytime I use this method, I choose a book from my closet.

Right after choosing this book, I open to a random page, and put my finger on a random passage.

The passage that I choose is the idea that I will be adding to the idea I chose earlier.

You can, as mentioned earlier, engage with this method using many other activities.

Something you see on a walk, for example, could be an addition to your idea.

A random lyric from a song could be yet another addition to your idea.

Many other possibilities exist. Choose the one you want to enjoy.

Even if what you find, from the method you’ve chosen, makes no sense — a passage on crystals as a metaphor for birth, regarding an idea for a new type of toilet, for example — use it anyway.

Let yourself see what happens, when you combine the two things together.

Soon enough, you will find that this single combination creates not just one idea, but a wide variety of unique ideas.

Every single one of these unique ideas contains a limitless abundance of possibilities. Each one of these possibilities is available to you, at this moment, for you to play with.


No matter what anyone says, right now, at your disposal, there exists an infinite number of creative resources.

Your ability to create ideas, for any purpose, is one of those resources.

Simple methods allow you to harness that resource, bringing what you need into your life.

My hope is that this essay served as an effective way of outlining three of those simple methods, while also being pleasant to read.

As always, if you would like to contact me, for any particular reason, you can do so at “”.

Best wishes, and have a lovely day!



Maxwell Akin
Maxwell Akin

Written by Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “”.

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