Growing Within Experimentation
Our intention is sharing.
Sharing what?
A story centered on experimentation.
A Sea Of Information
Our universe is a sea.
A sea of information.
A vast and infinite sea of information.
All of this information, and all that composes this information, is in a state of movement.
A state of unending movement.
Constant flow. Constant motion.
Endless transformation.
And, within this sea, there is all that composes the universe.
All that composes the universe and all that the universe can be composed of.
You can imagine this sea as a body of water.
A vast body of clear, blue water; light piercing the surface and shining down, into the unending depths of this grand sea, unveiling the infinite majesty of this sea.
And, with this image in mind, you can consider our universe.
Our universe is a sea.
Our universe is this sea.
But, the sea that we live in, and the sea that we come from, is made of information.
All that we are, and all that we can be, is information.
Pure information.
Pure information, in liquid form.
A liquid form that continues to grow and expand, enchant and and embrace.
Every drop of information that comprises this sea exists within a state of unending motion.
And, within this state of unending motion, there is transformation.
The possibility of transformation. But, more importantly, the guarantee of transformation.
The guarantee that all can be transformed and all will be transformed.
All can change. All will change.
And, it is this truth — this static conception of our universe, and the laws it engenders — that serves as the true beginning — and, perhaps, foundation — of our story.
Grown From The Sea
Many ages ago, a woman named Amara was born.
Born from the sea.
Born from our vast, infinite sea of information.
And yet, to say Amara was “born” is, in the end, erroneous.
You see, Amara was born, yes, but she was also, more importantly, grown.
Grown from the sea.
Grown from the sea of information.
The growth process that occured is rooted within the unending motion of the sea.
A single droplet of water merging into yet another droplet.
And, then, that larger droplet merges with another, rather large, droplet.
And so on and so forth, until a natural ending is — and was — reached.
But, of course, such descriptions, while accurate enough, are, by their very nature, false.
For this is not, in fact, a sea of water. Rather, this is a sea of information.
And, in the end, the droplets of this sea exist as ideas, thoughts, conceptions, notions, possibilities, structures, musings, memories, dreams; and so on and so forth.
A single idea came together with yet another idea and, in coming together, created a larger idea.
And, then, this larger idea united with several other ideas.
The culmination of these ideas gave birth to a structure.
A structure that gave birth to a set of structures that could not be found anywhere else.
And, then, these structures united with other ideas, culminating in the creation of new structures.
Some of these structures united with other structures and, then, amassed ideas.
A vast network was born.
A network of structures and ideas, each one giving birth.
Giving birth to networks of their own.
And, on a day not unlike this one, a network is born.
A very special network that serves one very special purpose.
The purpose, in question, is as follows: to give birth.
Our Being Of Light; Your Being Of Light
Grown from the sea, Amara is born.
Sculpted from light and motion, information and definition, Amara exists.
Amara is. And, Amara will always be.
Such a notion continues to be proven truthful to this very day.
Amara continues to be and, assuming such a truth remains true, will continue to be.
But, that is not Amara’s true purpose.
Rather, Amara’s true purpose is, in fact, no purpose at all.
No, that isn’t true.
As the being she is, Amara has given herself many purposes.
Many purposes, such as the exploration of new worlds and the development of transformative works.
But, that is not all.
You see, Amara’s central purpose is, in the end, the development of new concepts.
New concepts that give birth to new ways of living and being.
But, not just new ways of living and being.
Rather, new, much better, ways of living and being.
Or, quite simply, ways of living and being that allow us to live.
To truly live.
And, to truly enjoy our time within this rich, vast, infinite sea of information.
The development of such concepts is Amara’s true goal and Amara’s true vision.
The Presence Of Experimentation
Right now, within this very moment, there exists an infinite number of adventures.
You can embark on these adventures. You can enjoy these adventures.
And, you can enjoy the fruits of these adventures.
Every single one of these adventures is available to you now.
But, that is not all.
Right within every single adventure, there exists an infinite number of sets.
Series and series. Lists and arrays.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
Every single one of these bodies contains an infinite number of other adventures.
And, right within these other adventures, the conception repeats itself.
A vast and infinite wealth of sets, series, lists, arrays; ad infinitum.
Each one, of course, contains an infinite number of adventures.
But, that is, of course, not all.
Rather, there exists an infinite number of quests, journeys, missions, experiments.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
Every single one of these beautiful gifts is rooted within the same conception.
A vast and infinite number of sets, series, lists, arrays; ad infinitum.
Each one contains infinite quantities of the body they emanate from.
Our focal point, for the remainder of this story, is experimentation.
The True Nature Of Experimentation
Right within this very moment, there are an infinite number of experiments you can conduct.
Every single one of these experiments serves as a novelty.
A novelty that can give birth to an infinite wealth of novel gifts.
Just as an example, you might conduct an experiment centered on inspiration.
The production of inspiration, to be more specific.
And, in doing so, you may find yourself producing vast concepts.
Some of these vast concepts include “play” and “investing.”
To go along with this, you may find yourself producing smaller, yet equally lovely, concepts.
Some of these concepts include “your neurology” and “the beauty of the solar system.”
Many of the vast, beautiful concepts possess the power necessary to go beyond this conception.
To go beyond this conception of experimentation.
To create a vast and infinite number of new, equally delightful, conceptions.
And, in the end, these are the fruits of just one experiment.
Just one experiment.
One experiment, out of an infinite wealth of experiments.
A neverending abundance of experiments that are rooted within each other.
And so on and so forth, infinitely and endlessly; ad infinitum.
All of this, of course, is rooted within something special.
Something special and something simple.
A divine act of play.
A curious act. A creative act.
A playful act.
The mere desire to go beyond what was seen and felt within the sea of information.
To go beyond that and to see what lies beyond the veil of form and definition.
The veil of form. The veil of definition.
The veil of solidity.
And, in regards to all of this, my friends, Amara has a message for you.
A suggestion, if you will.
Amara’s Suggestion
Right now, within this moment, you exist.
You exist within a world that is fluid.
A world that is malleable.
You can exist within this world.
You can assume that what appears to be is what is.
And, you can assume that the one you are is the one that you are.
But, you are given a choice.
A choice that allows you to reject such assumptions.
To reject such assumptions and to move into new, far more vast, assumptions.
You can experiment with your assumptions.
You can experiment with who you are.
You can experiment with the world.
And, in doing so, you can become who you wish to be.
You can become who you wish to be. You can live the life you wish to live.
And, in doing all of these things, you can experiment.
You can experiment with all that you know and all that you believe.
You can play within these experiments.
And, you can follow the unending gifts and blessings that these experiments, and so many others, must, by their very nature, produce.
You are given this choice. You are given this power.
Just to wrap this up, thank you for reading!
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Best wishes and have a fantastic day!