Free Your Gratitude — And Your Power — Of Its Limitations

Maxwell Akin
6 min readJul 14, 2020


In the work of Neville Goddard, there is great emphasis placed on the concept of “feeling it real”. By feeling a particular thing — anything — as a present reality, it will have no choice but to express itself within your sensory world. This particular thing can be a desire, a fear, a random thought; anything at all. It does not matter what you feel, for as long as you feel it as a present reality, if only for one or two very powerful seconds, it will express itself in one form or another.

Recently, I began performing an experiment that involves this very concept. Everyday, for about twenty-minutes, I lie down and relax. Within the state of relaxation, I repeat the words “Thank You”. I do not speak these words aloud, I simply loop them within my mind.

Initially, I chose to condition them, to say “Thank You” for very particular things. But, then, I decided not to. I decided, rather, that I would leave the words unconditioned, that I would simply say “Thank You” to something I could feel, but not quite name or properly define. Something beautiful, wonderful, joyous, and loving.

Within the first day or so, nothing much happened. They were both good days, though, and I felt creatively fulfilled and in motion. But, then, on the days after that — and it has only been six-days, it must be said — I found myself receiving new clients for work, hearing from an old friend, receiving various gifts — free cookies, to name just one example — and I felt a great sense of power and freedom moving within me.

For the next twenty-four-days, at the very least, I will continue to express my gratitude and thankfulness, and I will continue to do so in a manner that is unconditioned and, yet, rich in feeling.

Why Does This Work?

Each and every one of us is a Creative Being. We have been given the power to create ourselves, our world, and that which we are experiencing within this world. Each and every one of us has that power, whether we realize it or not.

A core facet of this power is that what we feel, no matter what it is, will express itself within the world of sensation. If we sustain a feeling, no matter what that feeling is, then it must express itself within our sensory world. That is, essentially, a Law regarding our very nature and the creative power that we possess.

When we feel grateful, we inevitably draw to us and express that which we are grateful for. Many of us are grateful for the things that we can see and feel around us and, as such, we draw to us those things as they presently are and in forms that are subtly different.

When we feel grateful for that which isn’t visible to our senses, we inevitably draw to us and express that which we are grateful for, regardless of whether or not it is visible. We feel grateful for that which we desire and its presence, and as such, it becomes a present fact within our experience of this world.

Many of us choose to feel grateful for the things that we think we desire. By sustaining that feeling of gratitude, we inevitably find ourselves experiencing the desires that we were grateful for. But, here’s the thing, many of us aren’t always so sure what it is that we truly desire or what it is that would truly satisfy and fulfill us. These things are, of course, within our consciousness in some nook or cranny, but they aren’t immediately accessible to our conscious awareness.

When we feel grateful, and express this gratitude without conditions, we dissolve any limitations that our gratitude may have taken. Many of us tend to only feel a certain amount of gratitude for certain things, simply because of our own assumptions regarding them. But, if we dissolve those conditions and limitations, and enter a state of intense and sustained gratitude, we engage in a beautiful act of feeling it real.

The act of feeling intensely grateful for something that is unconditioned and unlimited allows for that which is truly beautiful and blessed to express itself in our sensory world. There’s a very good chance that we may not be consciously aware of what this is, or what form it can take, but the answers to those questions don’t matter. Rather, there is a deeper knowing within us, regarding what is truly aligned with us living the best and most beautiful life that we can live, and in feeling this intense, unconditioned, and unlimited gratitude, we create that which is aligned with those qualities.

How Can You Do It?

Remember, you are a Creative Being. As a Creative Being, creating that which you desire is as easy as breathing. All that you are seeing and engaging with right now is, in fact, a creation that stems from your creative essence and the various sensory faculties that serve as extensions of that creative essence.

As a Creative Being, feeling intensely grateful, and creating that which is aligned with the truth of those feelings, is effortless. Far too many people put immense pressure on themselves to “feel it real”, when in reality, it’s as easy as tying your shoes.

Regardless of that, though, there is a process that I use. This process is simple and it is effective. I urge you to, at the very least, try this process before modifying it. Certain things may not be to your liking, and that’s totally fine. But, try it before modifying it, because I think you’ll find it very useful.

Step 01: Lie Down

Simple enough. Just lie down. By lying down, you will be able to more easily enter a relaxed and content state. This makes the entire act so much easier.

Step 02: Take 8 Deep Breaths

To aid in creating a state of relaxation, I always take eight deep breaths. We begin with a four-second inhale, and then a four-second exhalation. By the end of the breaths, I am always more relaxed and ready to surrender to imagination, rather than the excess of sensory data that surrounds me.

Step 03: Begin Repeating The Words “Thank You”

For you to enter this state of gratitude, you will need to repeat the words “Thank You”. Repeat these words in your mind, without expressing them outwards. Do not condition the words, but rather, allow yourself to simply express the words in a relaxed and content manner.

Step 04: Allow The State To Expand

As you continue to repeat the words “Thank You”, you will find that the feeling becomes stronger and more intense. Images and sensations will pop up. Allow them to pass and fade away. The feeling will become stronger and stronger, and as this happens, you will feel a very strong sense of gratitude. This feeling will fade away, during the session, but it will also come back at numerous points.

Step 05: End After 10-Minutes, Repeat Later In The Day

Right after ten-minutes has passed, it is time to end the session. Open your eyes and allow your mind to adjust. Know that the gratitude you have felt is an act of extraordinary creativity and that exceptional things are happening and expressing themselves in this exact moment.

Later in the day, repeat the session. Perform the same process. Sustain the same feeling of intense gratitude. In doing so, you not only create and experience more, but you develop your creative powers and, essentially, become more familiar with who you are.


In the end, I hope that you enjoyed this essay! I really can’t thank you enough for reading it and for considering what I have written, it is so lovely to know that people enjoy these ideas and the way that I express them! If you have any questions for me, you can reach me at “”!



Maxwell Akin
Maxwell Akin

Written by Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “”.

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