Focus On Lifestyle, Not Money
Most people, in one way or another, would like to earn more money. It’s a very common goal that most people possess, and it isn’t hard to see why.
With more money, you have, essentially, more freedom. With more money, it’s much easier to do certain things that, without that extra money, you wouldn’t be able to do. With more money, you feel lighter and freer because you don’t have the weight of hefty bills or heavy debt on your shoulders.
When engaging in the pursuit of that particular desire, there is a habit that many people — including myself — tend to fall into. It is the habit of focusing purely on the specific amount of money that, we believe, will lead to the enhanced freedom and peace that we seek.
To give you an example of this, perhaps, we are earning $40,000 a-year. But, we aren’t able to afford certain things that we desire — traveling to other countries, for example. If we were able to go on those traveling excursions, we’d feel much happier and we’d also feel much freer and much more content with the money that we earn, because we are free to engage in one of our favorite passions.
In doing this, though, we make the entire process of living a freer and more joyous life so much more challenging then it needs to be.
For most people, money, in of itself, doesn’t evoke a wide range of happy feelings. The reason for this is because money isn’t actually valuable — it’s what the money can be turned into though that is valuable.
Most money is made of paper or consists of ones-and-zeroes held on a server somewhere. But that paper, and those ones-and-zeroes, can be turned into all kinds of wonderful things. It is these wonderful things that are the true source of feelings such as joy, excitement, and happiness; not the money itself.
When engaging in the pursuit of money, it is so very important that money is not the focal point of your concentrated efforts. Instead, that which having more money would lead you to, and the feelings that come from experiencing those things, must be the focal point of your efforts
Right before we dive into the next section, I do want to mention that there are plenty of people who do find money exciting and enchanting. As such, for those people, money is something that should be focused on, because it is of genuine importance and value to those people, rather than simply a means to a particular end result.
Making The Choice To Focus On Lifestyle, Not Money
To consciously shift your focus from money towards the lifestyle that money brings, you must be aware of what that lifestyle consists of. Perhaps, the new lifestyle consists of having more time to spend with your kids, a sense of peace when dealing with bills, and the money to visit countries that you’ve never been to before.
When you have taken the time to think about — and, ideally, write down — what more money would bring you, in terms of lifestyle, it’s time to think about the feelings that such a lifestyle would bring.
If you were living a life where bills were easy, where you had plenty of time to spend with your kids and to work on your own passion projects, and where money was plentiful and you could buy and spend what you wanted, how would you feel?
Many of us would feel a greater sense of peace and freedom. Instead of being burdened by the weight of “just not having enough”, we would have more than enough, and we would experience the freedom that comes from having more than enough.
In living a life of peace and freedom, experiences of joy, love, passion, and happiness are far more readily available. In a sense, operating from the world in the states of peace and freedom changes the tone of life’s colors, allowing for experiences of far greater joy.
To Live From Those Feelings, Regardless Of Money
When you know what it is that you desire in a lifestyle, and how that will feel, you must then nurture those feelings. Take the time to feel the feelings that come from such a lifestyle, and do so every single day, for as long as you can.
In feeling those feelings and experiencing the state of your wish fulfilled, you will naturally bring greater abundance, greater love, and greater happiness into your life. Money will, of course, flow into your life in greater sums. But, it is not the money that’s important, but the lifestyle that the money leads to. By simply focusing on that lifestyle and what it feels like, you will experience greater success and extraordinary results.
In the end, the easiest way to have more money is to focus on what it feels like to live the lifestyle that comes from having more money. In feeling those feelings, and engaging with them as frequently as you can, you create not just money, but a life of genuine fulfillment.
Thank you so much for reading this essay! If you have any questions, concerns, or would just like to have a conversation, you can reach me at “”!
Best Wishes & Lots Of Love!