Financial Freedom Is Yours — Part 02
The first essay in our “Financial Freedom Is Yours” series goes over the most important question you must ask, so as to become financially free.
Our second essay, within this series, goes over a method you can use to become financially free.
A simple, rather fun, method.
A method that, more than anything else, creates results.
So, with that, let’s go over what our method is, exactly, and how you can use it!
What Is A Gratitude Game?
Every game is a collection of rules
Rules that facilitate play.
Every gratitude game is a collection of rules that facilitate play.
The central rule of a gratitude game is, as one might expect, gratitude.
To play a gratitude game, you must be grateful.
And, to play the gratitude game you will soon read about, you must be grateful for something specific.
Something specific that you can define as “financial freedom.”
Or, more specifically, a form of financial freedom that aligns with your deepest aims.
The act of being grateful for such a thing, even if it does not exist, will bring it to life.
By playing the game outlined below, you can manifest the financial freedom you yearn for.
A Gratitude Game For Financial Freedom
To play this gratitude game, return to the answer you produced in the first part of this series.
Right after you go over this answer, take out a piece of paper and a pen.
Or, if you would write using a computer, open a word processor.
Once you’re ready, begin to make a list.
A list of ten things that you really, really appreciate.
But, these ten things are not random or disconnected.
Rather, each one of these ten things centers on some element of your financial freedom.
You can appreciate having more than enough money to live where you want or being able to enjoy all manner of tasty, delightful foods.
You can appreciate the fact that you no longer worry about spending money and, as such, spend freely while enjoying all manner of delights.
Those are just some examples.
No matter what you appreciate, though, allow yourself to experience it as a fact of your life.
A fact that is tangible and present, within this moment.
Give yourself the time and energy you need to feel as if you are financially free.
And, in doing so, you will become financially free.
For this gratitude game to truly work its magic, though, it helps to do it more than once.
Just once a day, for a week or two, is often more than enough.
And, if you want to strengthen it even more, you can conduct this gratitude game twice a day.
No matter what you do, though, make sure that you allow this gratitude to permeate your being, allowing you to feel as if you are truly financially free.
For, in doing so, you will become financially free.
No matter what anyone says, financial freedom can be yours.
And, if you play the gratitude game outlined above, it is yours.
Regardless of that, though, thank you so much for reading!
As always, if you wish to reach me, you can do so at “!”
Best wishes and have a lovely day!