Financial Freedom Is Yours — Part 01

Maxwell Akin
4 min readFeb 14, 2023


No matter what anyone tells you, financial freedom can be yours.

And, in fact, financial freedom is yours, right now.

Or, at least, it can be, if you allow yourself to be financially free.

The “allowance process,” if you will, is relatively easy.

Relatively easy and relatively quick.

So, with that, let’s go over this process and what you can do, right now, to become financially free!

What Does “Financial Freedom” Mean?

The phrase “financial freedom” means many things to many people.

No one person’s definition of financial freedom is the same.

For this reason, you must consider what financial freedom means to you.

To accomplish this, give yourself a minute to meditate.

Just a few minutes to meditate on “financial freedom.”

Give yourself a moment to imagine a life where you are financially free.

Consider what you would do and how you would feel and what you would enjoy.

To me, financial freedom means having more than enough in my bank account to sustain me for a year, while also having more than enough money flowing in to sustain all my needs and wants.

Many of my needs and wants revolve around things like traveling, eating good food, enjoying fun experiences, and living in other countries.

Outside of those qualities, though, financial freedom is also synonymous with time and energy. Or, more specifically, having the time and energy needed to write and read and go on long walks, among various other activities.

Your definition will probably differ from mine.

Right after you meditate on what financial freedom means to you, and come up with an adequate definition that suits your needs and yearnings, you can sum it up in a single sentence.

A single sentence that encapsulates what you truly desire and what you truly value.

My sentence is “Financial freedom is always having enough money to live a rich, abundant life.”

You can add onto your statement, though; the second sentence in my statement is “To live a rich, abundant life that is filled with love, novelty, adventure, creativity, and the gifts of life.”

And, if you want to add even more to your statement, feel free to do so.

How Can You Become Financially Free, Within This Very Moment?

To become financially free, within this very moment, there are three ideas you must remember.

The three ideas are as follows:

• You Are A Creative Being
• Feeling Is The Secret
• Right Now Is The Only Moment

Each one of these ideas is crucial to the process of becoming financially free within this very moment.

You Are A Creative Being

You are a creative being.

A creative being who possesses a limitless abundance of creative power.

Your thoughts, feelings, and imaginings create real, tangible changes in your world.

For this reason, what you think and feel and imagine can, and often will, become your reality.

You must know what you want and experience it within yourself. For, in doing so, what you experience within will become the facts that compose your experience of the world.

Feeling Is The Secret

To borrow a phrase from Neville Goddard, feeling is the secret.

Or, more specifically, conjuring the feeling of your wish fulfilled is the secret to creating the life you truly wish to live.

You may wish to be financially free and, by feeling as if you are financially free and nurturing this feeling, you will become financially free.

The reason for this is because you are a creative being who possesses the power to create that which you desire.

Yes, the logic is rather circular and unclear. But, in my experience, it is the truth — or a truth, perhaps — of who we are and the universe we live within.

Right Now Is The Only Moment

Our moment is this moment.

Your moment is our moment.

Or, well, something like that.

Don’t get me wrong, the past exists. And, so does the future.

But, at the same time, neither of these things exists in quite the way we might assume.

When it comes to manifesting your wishes, right now is the only moment.

Rather than surrender to fears and anxieties, allowing them to pervade our imagination and contort our spirit, we can live within this moment.

And, in this moment, we can recognize, and live from, the infinite freedom that exists.

The infinite freedom that exists.

The infinite freedom that we are.

And, within this infinite freedom, we can become financially free.

To accomplish this, you will learn, within the next three essays, three unique methods.

Each one of these methods is easy and simple, yet rooted in the ideas outlined above.

But, if you work with these methods, you will become financially free with remarkable speed and ease.

That is my promise to you, my friend. That is my promise.


No matter what anyone says, financial freedom is yours.

And, in truth, it’s always been yours and will always be yours.

Right before we sign off for now, though, thank you so much for reading this essay!

As always, if you wish to reach me, you can do so at “”

Best wishes, and have a lovely day!



Maxwell Akin
Maxwell Akin

Written by Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “”.

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