Entering The State Of Wealth

Maxwell Akin
9 min readDec 15, 2020


The term “wealth” is, in many ways, reminiscent of a Rorschach Inkblot. To you, “wealth” means something very specific, and to someone else, the term “wealth” means something a little different, but just as specific.

Regardless of how you define “wealth”, though, its pursuit, assuming that it doesn’t hurt others, is valuable and, I would argue, essential.

If we boil the concept of “wealth” down to its very essence, wealth is being free of the need to fight just to fulfill your basic needs, while also possessing the freedom and autonomy to pursue your passions and desires in a meaningful way that does not conflict with the fulfillment of your basic needs and the security and freedom that you possess.

To be wealthy — assuming that my definition of wealth is accurate — is not to be rich with cash but, rather, to possess that which is necessary for you to be free in your day-to-day life and secure in having your basic needs met and, depending on who you are and the nature of your family, those of your family members and loved one.

No one will deny that the world we live in is one of great inequality. I am writing this essay from a position of tremendous privilege, and this position is, compared to much of the world, incredibly rare. Because of this, the essay that you are about to read should not be considered as anything more than a long description of what has worked well for me in creating greater wealth, as well as a practice that may, or may not, resonate with you and enhance the wealth in your life.

I believe that everyone deserves to be wealthy. I believe that no one needs to go hungry, to go without water or shelter, or to go without shelter and security. I believe that this world — and, in turn, the universe we live in — possesses all that is needed for this to take place. I also believe that such a point-of-view, while linked to various political ideologies and philosophies, should be taken as a humanist perspective that acknowledges the indescribable value of all human beings, rather than as an endorsement of any particular ideology or political party.

Engaging with the infinite creative power that each one of us possesses, through the ideas that I am about to describe, is one way that we can dissolve the difficulties that we face in our daily lives, while enhancing the abundance of those around us and, in turn, the world.

It certainly isn’t the only way to accomplish such a task, but it is one way, and it is one way that continues to work for me and may, in turn, work for you.

The 2 Keys To Wealth

For many, the term “wealth” is associated almost entirely with money. The association is easy to understand, since money is, perhaps above all else, the greatest source of security and power in this modern world of ours.

But, money, while extraordinarily useful, serves a purpose that’s more akin to a special key that unlocks a boundless vault of riches, rather than the contents of that boundless vault of riches.

You see, it isn’t so much what money is that makes it valuable but, rather, what money can get you.

Remembering that is, I believe, the key to entering the state of wealth and unlocking the boundless vault of riches that such a state allows you to experience.

Too often we — and, as always, when I saw “we”, I am only speaking of myself — engage with this creative work by focusing purely on money, rather than thinking about what we want the money for and, in turn, adjusting our efforts to focus on that.

Many of us desire wealth because we wish to have large quantities of money on hand and, of course, a plethora of lovely goodies that money allows us to obtain.

But, in the pursuit of wealth, it’s very easy to lose sight of both the tangible objects that wealth allows us to acquire and, more importantly, the intangible qualities that comprise the state of being wealthy.

The two most valuable intangible qualities that comprise the state of wealth are, I believe, freedom and security. Both of these qualities are, in my experience, the key to creating wealth and the tangible expressions that follow are, in my opinion, what people most desire when they seek to create wealth.

Going To The End

If you’ve read anything that’s been written on this blog, then you know that one of my favorite New Thought writers is Neville Goddard. Neville Goddard’s work continues to resonate with me due to its simplicity and applicability. Everything that I am about to write is either paraphrasing some of his ideas or interpreting them in a manner that’s aligned with his central thesis, but in a way that relates to my own experiences.

To truly create the life we desire, there are many, many practices, tools, and methods that we can engage with and perform. Each one is, I am sure, quite valid. For you, some may work more than others. For myself, some practices have worked very well, while others have not. A lot of this depends entirely on what resonates with you and what feels right.

For myself, one of the most valuable and transformative concepts that I have picked up and applied, from the world of New Thought, is Neville Goddard’s idea of “going to the end”.

Rather than focusing on the means through which a particular desire of yours will, you assume, be fulfilled, you go straight to the end and focus on possessing that which you truly desire right now.

To give you an example of this, let’s say that you wish to purchase a new laptop, but don’t have the money to do so. Rather than focusing on the money, which is just one potential means through which you can acquire that laptop, you focus on owning that laptop and enjoying the experience of using that laptop.

You can apply this same basic concept to any desire.

If you want to be married, focus not on meeting the right person or the wedding itself, but on already being married. If you want to spend several months overseas, focus not on getting the money together for that trip, but on — and there’s quite a bit of flexibility here — being where you wish to be or coming back from that trip and having had a truly wonderful time. If you want to make new friends, focus not on meeting new people and beginning those friendships, but knowing that you have such great friends and feeling a strong sense of belonging, love, and connection.

The concept can be used to create wealth, as well. If you want to be wealthy, focus not on acquiring the money necessary for you to be and feel wealthy, but on knowing that you are, by virtue of your wealth, free to do what you want to do and, in turn, secure enough that you don’t have to worry about acquiring what’s necessary for you to experience that level of freedom.

As mentioned, there is a great deal of flexibility in how you apply this concept. For some people, what I have just described may not resonate, and that’s absolutely fine! All of this creative work is rooted in what works for you, rather than what someone else says you should do.

Everything that I have just described has worked for me — and we’ll get into that in just a moment — but if it doesn’t resonate with you, or doesn’t work, then you should find or create a new practice that does!

Living In The End

In the past, when I’ve attempted to bring money into my life, it wasn’t uncommon for me to hit some major stumbling blocks. Most of these major stumbling blocks can be summed up as “a lack of movement”. Nothing that I was doing appeared to be bearing fruit, and it was clear that my efforts weren’t leading to the desired outcome.

But, here’s the thing, whenever I would shift my focus from money towards something that was either more tangible, but deeply important, or less tangible, but just as important, things would begin flowing so quickly and so effortlessly that making sense of it all was often a little difficult.

To give you an example of this, a few months ago, when I wanted to earn more money and build up a bigger Savings Account, I was attempting to manifest a very particular sum of money for my monthly earnings. I attempted to do this for about three-weeks, and nothing was happening.

Right after those three-weeks had passed, I began thinking about what I actually wanted the money for. Beyond a larger Savings Account and, of course, more money to spend, I wanted to feel a greater sense of freedom and security.

Upon realizing that, I recognized that defining a specific amount of money to earn each month, while useful from a goal-setting perspective, was both unnecessary and counterproductive. Unnecessary, because I had earned more money than that, per-month, in the past, and there’s no need for such limitations. Counterproductive, because I kept focusing on that exact monthly sum and the means through which it was being fulfilled, rather than the tangible, and very flexible, expressions of freedom and security that I truly desired.

By changing my focus from money to “freedom” and “security”, and living in the end by focusing on those feelings and experiencing the state of wealth as a present fact, it was, quite literally, a matter of hours before I heard from an old client of mine, who set me up with a bunch of easy writing work, while also receiving some money from a family member and receiving some really fun work from a new client.

When it was all said and done, I had actually earned more money than I had initially desired, within the span of that next month. But, more importantly, I felt so much more free and so much more secure than I had felt.

To “live in the end”, as I did, and to feel that you are wealthy, there are many practices and methods that you can engage with. For myself, the two most useful practices are as follows: imagining a scene that implies the fulfillment of your wish, and performing a series of inner conversations.

A few years ago, I wrote a guide about imagining a scene that implies the fulfillment of your wish. That guide is linked here. But, to recap this basic practice, all you must do is think of a simple scene that implies that you are free and secure — those two terms will mean something that’s specific to you — and then you must immerse yourself in that scene through the use of your imagination. By engaging with such a scene repeatedly, it will soak into consciousness, until you know that it is done.

As for inner conversations, I have written an essay on that practice, as well. But, the essence of this practice is going to the end and assuming that you are already wealthy. Then, conversing with yourself in a manner that reflects the fulfillment of your desire, by expressing your gratitude towards the freedom that you possess, the sense of abundance that you feel within, and the joy that you are experiencing as you live a truly wealthy, abundant, and fulfilling life.

Regardless of what you do, though, I encourage you to remember the two keys — freedom and security — and to use those two keys to inform the creative work that you perform.

Remember that you are powerful beyond measure and that, through immersing yourself in the feelings of freedom and security, you can create and experience wealth that goes beyond your expectations. Remember to keep the means boundless and unlimited, and to focus on that which you truly desire for, if you do so, you will surely receive it.


In the end, everything that I’ve just described is what has worked for me and, from what I’ve read, many others. If it does not resonate with you, though, then that’s totally alright. I recommend taking what resonates with you, seeing what works, and developing your own practices.

Regardless of what you do, though, please remember that you are more powerful than you can ever know. No matter what anyone tells you, please remember that and, more importantly, please live from that knowledge.

Thank you for reading this essay! I hope you enjoyed reading it, and I hope that you have a wonderful day! If you want to reach me, for any reason at all, you can do so at “maxwellcakin@gmail.com”!



Maxwell Akin
Maxwell Akin

Written by Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “maxwellcakin@gmail.com”.

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