Becoming Familiar With Your Endless Creative Power
Within each and everyone of us, there is a power beyond measure and definition. To name or constrain this power is a rather silly task, yet without a name, it becomes so much more difficult to understand the essence of this power and what it signifies. Because of that, in this essay, I will be referring to this power as either your “infinite creative power” or “Imagination”.
Through the direct application of your Imagination, you have the ability to create, experience, become, and do anything that you desire. Do not consent to the language of limitation, and its many pernicious assumptions; your infinite creative power goes beyond such assumptions and the supposed constraints they allow for.
To truly understand, and command, your Imagination, you must be familiar with it. Familiarity, of this sort, can only come from direct application. Reading, while vitally important and useful, must be backed by some form of action and application.
For you to understand the infinite creative power that you possess, you must be familiar with what it is, how it works, and what you can do with it. Through this familiarity, you are then able to harness it towards the fulfillment of your desires.
Of course, the best way to become familiar with your infinite creative power is, as mentioned, to apply it directly to your desires! That is why, in this brief essay, we’re going to be looking at a practice that will allow you to become familiar with your Imagination and the power that you possess.
To Know What You Desire Is Essential
Without knowing what you desire, it’s very difficult for you to apply your Imagination towards the fulfillment of those desires. Because of that, it is imperative that you familiarize yourself with what you desire, before beginning this practice.
Instead of familiarizing yourself with your deepest desires, though, all you must do is familiarize yourself with the desires that you experience on a daily — or, simply, frequent — basis.
If you enjoy having amazing sex with your partner, for example, then that’s one of your desires. If, to name another example, you enjoy eating good foods every single day, then that’s another one of your desires.
It doesn’t matter if the desire is “too small” or “too big”; all that matters is that you know what you desire. Then, when you know what you desire, writing it down in a word document or on a piece of paper is a great decision. That way, you will always have fun desires that you can turn to and experiment with.
Several days prior to writing this essay, I took the time to make a list of fifty desires that I experience on a semi-regular basis. Whenever I want to explore some more, but am uncertain as to what I should explore, I just take a look at this list.
Applying Your Imagination To That Which You Desire
When you know what it is that you desire, and wish to create through the application of your Imagination, you can then do just that.
To apply your Imagination towards those desires, there are many tools and practices that you can use.
For myself, I find Writing It Real, Inner Conversations, and Feeling It Real to be exceptionally powerful. But, for you, there may be other practices and tools that you wish to use.
Regardless of how you apply your Imagination, the most important thing is that you, quite simply, do so. Doing so as much as you can — every day, for example — is especially valuable.
To further enhance your familiarity with the endless creative power within you, taking notes on your experiences with your Imagination, and your desires, is a great idea.
By taking notes, you will be able to understand what works for you, what doesn’t, and the results that this work is leading to.
To Summarize
In summary, in order for you to step into your endless creative power, you must be familiar with it. To familiarize yourself with your endless creative power, you must apply it directly towards that which you desire.
Making a list of the desires you frequently experience is a fantastic way of knowing, and organizing, the desires that you possess.
Taking one of those desires, as often as you can, and applying your Imagination to it will grow your familiarity with who you are and the endless creative power that you hold within.
Writing out notes, based on your experiences, will lead you towards a greater awareness as to what works for you, what doesn’t, and what you believe to be truly important.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this essay and to consider the concepts that have been laid out! It is so very appreciated, and I really can’t thank you enough for taking the time to read my work!
If you have any questions, concerns, or just want to talk, you can reach me at “”. I promise I will get back to you as soon as I possibly can!
Best Wishes & Endless Blessings