Attracting The Books You Wish To Read
Our goal, with this essay, is sharing.
Sharing what?
A fun tool for manifesting new books.
Your Intention
Right before you can use this tool, it is of the utmost importance that you set an intention.
You must know what kinds of books you really, really want to read.
Just as an example, if you want to read books that are adjacent to something you love, then that is your intention.
Or, if you want to read some cool Noir comic books, then that is your intention.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
You must set an intention. And, when you do, the ritual can begin.
A Simple Image
Give yourself a minute to go over your intention.
Right after you do so, take a nice deep breath.
And, then, close your eyes.
Imagine an empty bookshelf.
Your bookshelf can be tall and made of mahogany.
Or, it can be small, yet cute.
The possibilities are vast.
Right after you imagine this bookshelf, imagine it filling up with books.
All of the books you want to read flow onto this bookshelf.
Give yourself a moment to see this.
Right after you do so, say “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
Really appreciate the incredible books you are about to read.
And, then, let it go.
Just allow this bookshelf to fade away.
But, if you can, say “Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” several more times.
The books you wish to read will soon flow into your life.
Just to wrap this up, thank you for reading!
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