Allow Yourself To Be As You Truly Are
Within the infinite depths of your being, there are gifts and abilities that go beyond the current state of your imagination. You are a being of extraordinary power, and you have the ability to sculpt your life, and your experience of the world, in the way that you desire.
We all have these gifts and abilities, and each and everyone of us is beyond finite and beyond limitations. And yet, many of us forget these truths, as we move forward in our day-to-day lives. There is still that semblance of knowledge and awareness, that sense of knowing that you are much more than you think you are, but so often this awareness is hampered by thoughts that affirm your own lack of worth, and your own lack of ability.
In my own life, I have experienced this on a daily basis. Falling into the trap of denying our own agency, our own ability to sculpt and mould ourselves and our life, is far too easy. But, by falling into this trap, by embracing these strange and deformed concepts as “truth”, we not only deny our own worth and our own power, but we forfeit the wonderful works that we can give to those around us, and the wonderful works that we can give to the world.
Truthfully, I can’t say what the world would look like if we all recognized our own divinity. But, what I can say is that this world would be a far different place, and that the magic of this world — the infinite magic that permeates every facet of this world — would be far more apparent in even the simplest and most minute of experiences.
What Can We Do To Open Our Awareness Of Who We Truly Are?
When we are young, we are unbound by the laws and rules of self that would appear to define modern life — or, at the very least, one particular way of living a modern life. When we are young, there is this awareness that we are connected to powers and abilities that are far greater than we can ever know, and that our life is something deeply beautiful, and far grander than any film.
For many of us, time passes, and we become familiar with various modes of thought. Modes of thought that, we are told, are facts of life, rather than simply ways of seeing and engaging with what is around us.
These modes of thought consist of beliefs that suggest and affirm our own lack of power and agency within our life, and our experiences of life. Things like “I’m not worthy”, “I’m not good enough”, “I have no control over my own life” and “I am just another individual, destined to live and die.”
Perhaps, you are just another individual. But within you, there are worlds and lands that go beyond that which you can even imagine. You are powerful, you are gifted, you are extraordinary, and you are more than worthy of love, abundance, joy, and happiness. Within you, there are the creative gifts and powers that are needed to live the life that you are truly meant to live. There’s no need to perpetually seek and search, for all that you need is within, and in knowing that and accepting that truth, the true extent of who you are will be revealed.
But, as I mentioned before, while we may have an awareness of these truths and of who we are, we often forget these truths when living our day-to-day lives. In allowing ourselves to forget who we are, we neglect ourselves in the process.
To truly live the life that you are meant to live, it is of extraordinary importance that you nurture yourself with Inner Conversations that serve as reminders of your gifts and abilities, and the truths regarding who you are.
Thoughts sculpt the world around you, for they sculpt who you are and the ways that you see and feel what is around you, and what is within you. Inner Conversations are simply thoughts that are directed and engaged with in a concentrated manner. Think of a conversation that you have had with a friend or family member, and think about how the conversation revolved around a particular theme or concept; that is an Inner Conversation, only it takes place inward, within the infinite ocean of your own consciousness.
What I am asking you to do, is to engage in three one-minute Inner Conversations, throughout the day. Within the next few paragraphs, I am going to be outlining three templates for these Inner Conversations. Each template consists of three statements, which I am asking you to repeat within your mind. By doing this, you will naturally flow into a State where your thoughts are aligned with the truths that are within the statements, and from this, I would like you to concentrate on affirming those truths, using your own thoughts and your own language, and feeling the truth and reality of the Inner Conversations that you are engaging with.
In doing this, you will step into a level of awareness that you may have, perhaps, never stepped into before. But, along with that, you will also understand the infinite creative gifts and abilities that you already possess, and you will use them and find great success in making use of the gifts and abilities that comprise your very essence.
What Are The Inner Conversations?
Our first Inner Conversation template, consists of affirming and recognizing the endless creative gifts and abilities that lurk within you.
I Am A Being Of Infinite Creativity. I Am The Sculptor Of Myself, My Life, And That Which Surrounds Me. I Make The Conscious Choice To Step Into And Use My Infinite Creative Gifts And Abilities.
Our second Inner Conversation template, consists of affirming and recognizing that you have the ability to choose who you are and what you are creating. You have the marvelous gift of being able to choose how you harness your infinite creative gifts.
I Have The Extraordinary Ability To Choose How I Concentrate And Direct My Endless Creative Gifts And Abilities. I Have The Extraordinary Ability To Choose Who I Am And What I Create. I Am Making The Best Possible Choices For Myself.
For the third, and final, Inner Conversation template, we are, once again, emphasizing your gifts and abilities, and the fact that you are given the choice to embrace and accept who you truly are.
I Am A Being Of Infinite Creativity, And I Choose To Embrace My Infinite Creativity And The Gifts That Follow. I Choose To Accept And Embrace Who I Truly Am, And I Choose To Use My Gifts And Abilities To Live The Life That I Am Meant To Live. I Allow Myself To Live Freely, Creatively, Abundantly, And Lovingly.
In the end, through the application of these Inner Conversations, for three-times everyday, you will step into the awareness of who you truly are, and the infinite gifts that you possess. There is no need for you to fall into decaying modes of thought that affirm your limitations; but there is a great need for you to allow yourself to be who you truly are, and to create and experience what you are truly meant to experience.
As always, if you have any questions, or would just like to chat, my email is “”.
Peace Be With You!