All Things Are Mathematical Information: A Vision Of Infinity

Maxwell Akin
5 min readSep 13, 2024


Our intention, with this document, is sharing.

Sharing what?

A vision of infinity centered on all things being information.

Or, more specifically, mathematical information.

On The Nature Of Information

The word “information” refers to the following: facts provided or learned about something or someone.

On its own, this definition is fine.

But, our definition of information is slightly more encompassing: facts, ideas, knowledge, data — ad infinitum, of course — that is conveyed/represented in a particular manner or through a particular arrangement.

Just as an example, this sentence is a piece of information.

Right within this definition of information, there are an infinite wealth of associations, connections, and links — ad infinitum, of course — to language, writing, meaning, knowledge; ad infinitum.

Many other definitions of information exist within fields as vast and varied as physics, literature, and music; and so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely, ad infinitum; let’s just say that this last bit is true.

Even so, though, our definition is more than sufficient for this essay.

Right within this definition, there is an idea: our Universe is made of, grown from, built on, structured within, dependent on, existing through — ad infinitum, naturally — information.

Just information.

If you look at something — really, really look at something — you find information.

A good example of this is as follows: you look deep into a beautiful water molecule and, right within the deepest depth that comprises this water molecule, you find information.

Just information.

You find information. But, not just any information: you find mathematical information.

A series of mathematical equations.

Or, perhaps, an algorithm.

A set of binary digits, perhaps; each one arranged in a way that gives birth to this water molecule.

And so on and so forth.

The water molecule is information.

And, below this information — this substrate, as it were — there is nothing else.

The above is true of our water molecule. But, it is also true of:

  1. The consciousness that you are.
  2. The essay you are reading.
  3. The soda you drink.
  4. The room you live in.
  5. The butterflies that surround you.
  6. The stars in the sky.
  7. The films you watch.
  8. The people you know.
  9. The ideas you love.
  10. The wishes you hold in your heart.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

All things are information.

But, again, not just any information: mathematical information.

The Purity Of Mathematical Information

Mathematical information is information grown from the language of mathematics.

The language of mathematics is infinite.

No endings, limits, boundaries; and so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

Right within the very firmament of mathematics, there is one thing, and one thing only.


Every single thing in this Universe is made of numbers.

Some of these numbers are arranged in peculiar ways.

Other numbers are placed into equations, algorithms, and other mathematical structures.

And, some of these numbers exist as patterns — ones and zeros, perhaps — that serve as the true form of something.

Our water droplet may, in the end, be little more than a pattern.

A pattern of ones and zeros.

Right beneath this pattern of ones and zeros, there is no more; those numbers, and their arrangement, serve as the deepest depth of this water droplet and all that it truly, truly is.

On the other hand, this essay, and the words, meanings, and ideas — and so on and so forth — that comprise its very substance, well, those numbers might exist as an arrangement of ones and zeros, coupled with a few equations.

Or, perhaps, something adjacent to that. But, at the same time, something a little different.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

If you wander into the very depths of this essay, and all that comprises it, you will find mathematics.

Or, more specifically, mathematical information.

The mathematical information we speak of is the very root of this essay.

Just as it is the root of all things.

All of this directs us to a question: where does this mathematical information come from?

Infinite Infinities; Unending Transcendence; Limitless Endlessness

Our concern, with this section, is the following:

  1. Infinite infinities
  2. Unending transcendence.
  3. Limitless endlessness.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

Every single one of the above is fact. But, also, a descriptor.

A descriptor of what?

The world in which mathematics emanates from.

Mathematics — and, in turn, our Universe — emanates from a higher, greater world.

A world not unlike the spaces and realms Plato spoke of when orating his notions of “Form.”

Right within this world, mathematics, in all of its infinities, is born.

And, right within this world, mathematics flows upwards and downwards — paradoxically, yes — into the Universe that we live within, experience, and know.

This flow allows all things — all things being mathematical information, of course — to arise within our Universe.

Right within the world in which this flow originates, there is mathematics in all directions.

You can wander in one direction for unending eternities.

And, in doing so, you will never, ever reach any endings, limits, conclusions, walls; ad infinitum.

The above is always true, regardless of what you make, create, experience, develop, use; ad infinitum.

Outside of those facts, there is another to remember: this world is generative.

Generative. Creative. Productive.

Mathematics is born from within this world.

Right within this birth, there is the act of combination.

Mathematical information is born. And, then, it combines itself with other pieces of mathematical information.

The fruits of this act are nothing less than the following: an endless process of birth, rebirth, and making, allowing an infinite wealth of new mathematical information to rise, all of which makes its way into our world.

Right within this flowing, new forms, experiences, and moments — ad infinitum, of course — are brought into being.

Brought into being through them flowing into our Universe.

Every single one of these forms, experiences, and moments — ad infinitum — comprises the Universe we live within.

Just buried within the depths of that which comprises our Universe, though, is the true substance of all things.

Mathematical information.


Just to wrap this up, thank you for reading!

None of what comprises this essay is true.

Or, more specifically, none of what comprises this essay appears to be true.

Even so, though, this essay was fun to write!

Best wishes and have a fantastic day.



Maxwell Akin
Maxwell Akin

Written by Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “”.

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