Affirmations: A Program Within A Program
Our goal, with this essay, is to clarify some thoughts on affirmations.
The power of affirmations. The use of affirmations. The beauty of affirmations.
And, well, you get the idea.
But, with this essay, there’s a slight twist: we’re going to focus not on affirmations as a tool for “reprogramming our mind” but, instead, as a tool for commanding feeling and, in turn, the fulfillment of our desires.
To clarify these elements, we’re going to use computer-based language, such as “program” and “information.”
All of this serves as an experiment, of sorts, within this concept and, in turn, this type of language.
My hope is that this essay, even as an experiment, serves as a fun, and educational, experience for you!
What Is An Affirmation?
The definition of an “affirmation” is as follows: an action/process of affirming something.
You can affirm that you are “wealthy” or “inspired” or “loved”; and so on and so forth.
And, in doing so, something happens.
But, the question is, what happens?
The exact answer to this question is unknown to me.
But, my experiences indicate that the following may be true: an affirmation, when stated or expressed with intense feeling, serves as a program.
A program that exists within a larger program that exists beyond the programs that comprise our conscious self.
Our conscious self exists as a vast network of programs, each one rooted within our functioning and thriving.
Many of these programs exist within other programs and, as such, serve other functions within these programs.
Some of these programs exist outside of ourselves and, yet, the programs that exist outside of ourselves are aligned with the programs that exist within ourselves.
And, in turn, these programs — all of them — exist within the same infinite information-based construct/universe that we all live within, exist within, play within; and so on and so forth.
The act of speaking an affirmation, then, serves as a program.
A program that activates a greater set of functions within a series of programs that exist within ourselves and outside of ourselves.
But, what are these programs, and what do they do?
Every Affirmation Is A Program Within A Program
Our first program, within the act of affirming that which we desire, is that of movement.
A series of movements, within ourselves, that allow what we desire to unfold.
Each one of these movements exists within a network that flows through the unending facets of our imagination.
The imagination exists as an infinite network of programs and this network of programs works with the unending networks within the network of programs that comprise the information-based construct/universe we live within.
Each one of the programs, involved within this grand movement, serves to reprogram what is.
To reprogram — or, perhaps, rearrange — the facets that comprise our experience of the information-based construct/universe we exist within.
And, in reprogramming these facets, that which we have affirmed becomes the facts of our life.
Just as an example, one might affirm that they are very inspired, living an abundant life, and a very successful legal content writer; these are all my affirmations, for clarity’s sake.
When one affirms such a thing, they activate a program.
A program that begins a series of processes, the majority of which are nearly invisible to our faculties, which allows for the fulfillment of these intentions.
All of these processes are rooted within the programs that exist within ourselves.
Within ourselves and within that which we are connected to.
And, yet, even though these are programs, and processes connected to these programs, they work.
Affirmations work very well, when said with feeling.
Rich, intense feelings, such as that of gratitude, appreciation, excitement, love, and enthusiasm; these are of great use to you, in activating your innate capabilities — your connections, you might say, to that which you are and that which you are connected to — to be who you wish to be and experience what you wish to experience.
And, with that in mind, let’s move onto the “practical” section of this essay.
A Practical Method For Activating Your Affirmations
The title should really say “activating your programs.” But, the above sounds better, so let’s move on.
To use this method, think of something you want.
You may want to live in another country or to be inspired or to obtain a new job; and so on and so forth.
No matter what it is, devise a statement that implies that you are where you want to be.
And, when you do so, state it.
State it within yourself or, if you want to, state it out loud.
But, don’t just state it; state it with feeling.
State it with a sense of power and enthusiasm.
To accomplish the above, combine gratitude and appreciation with the statement.
Bring these feelings into your experience.
Or, if those feelings don’t work, choose others that evoke something powerful and exciting within you.
Something that makes you feel good but, also, excited at what will arise.
And, then, know that the information-based construct/universe you live in, is changing.
Right now, it is changing.
You cannot see these changes, for they are invisible.
But, when these changes have produced what is desired, you will be able to see them.
Everything is falling into place, as you state these affirmations.
And, in the moments that follow, everything continues to fall into place.
You are manifesting what you desire. And, this greater component of ourselves, is doing the same.
Just know that, and allow yourself to know that, while also appreciating who you are and what you are.
You are a creative force, the depths of which you may, perhaps, never be able to truly know.
And, in the end, that is something to appreciate!
The essay above is rather incoherent and imprecise; a series of ideas and thoughts, with little rhyme or reason.
But, it’s what came out of me, during this brief writing session. And, for that, there is some measure of appreciation.
Regardless of whether you liked this essay or not — I’m not sure I do, to be honest, even though it is what I wanted to write — thank you so much for reading!
As always, if you wish to reach me, you can do so at “”
Best wishes, and have a lovely day.