A Spiritual Practice For The New Year
Our goal, with this essay, is to clarify.
To clarify my spiritual practice for the New Year.
Or, more specifically, 2024.
So, with that in mind, let’s begin!
A Spiritual Practice For The New Year
None of the practices outlined below are unfamiliar to me.
Even though the above is true, my engagement with them has been somewhat limited.
Every single one of these practices will begin serving as a regular component of our day-to-day life.
We will engage with these practices for six-months.
Right as the seventh month of 2024 — July — begins, we will write an essay.
Our essay will clarify the value of these practices, within those first six months of 2024.
Regardless of that, though, let’s clarify the three spiritual practices we are going to be exploring.
Practice 01: Daily Prayer
Our first spiritual practice is “daily prayer.”
Prayer is very, very flexible.
You can pray to a being, creative force, or energy; among other things.
And, that’s probably what we’re going to do.
But, that’s not all.
You can also imagine the presence of God — or, again, something similar — feeling it within yourself.
Recently, one of my favorite prayers is imagining all of the worry, pain, fear, anxiety, and uncertainty flowing away and being told, by Source, that “Everything is taken care of.”
Our goal, then, with this practice, is to strengthen my connection to something bigger than myself.
Something bigger than myself and, in turn, my anxieties and fears and insecurities and yearnings.
To strengthen my connection and, in turn, my awareness of something bigger than myself.
Practice 02: A 10 Day Script
You can find the “10 day script” concept in Royce Christyn’s “Scripting The Life You Want.”
The essence of this practice is simple, every Sunday, you write a script.
A script that clarifies your desires, using rich, feeling language, so that you can manifest those desires.
Your script is for the next ten days.
Right before those ten days pass, you write another script.
And, well, you get the idea; the process repeats.
Scripting is an interesting process and, in the past, it has been effective.
Right now, though, daily scripts are less-than-ideal, due to the energy/time they require.
On the other hand, a weekly script, one in which thirty-minutes or so can be devoted, is perfect.
We will see what nice things happen.
Practice 03: Daily Gratitude
Our third practice is just what it sounds like.
Every single day, give yourself some time to appreciate.
To appreciate what is in your life. To appreciate who you are. To appreciate what you are creating.
And so on and so forth.
The specifics of this practice are flexible. And, really, they comprise something that is less of a practice, and more of a daily activity that is meant to be fun and, fundamentally, illuminating.
Our time within 2023 was good.
Spiritually, though, there was, perhaps, a distance from the love, possibility, and, even, creativity that has defined some of our greatest, most resonant, moments.
If nothing else, it seems as if the above is due to the anxiety, mental strain, and fear that was experienced.
None of my anxieties came forth and, in the end, this year revealed just how powerless such things are.
Our goal, then, in 2024, is to go beyond anxiety and fear, into a space that is far more spiritually enriching and whole, so that we can live and be who we wish to be, away from those old, ultimately useless, habits.
And, with that in mind, we will see, and enjoy, what happens, when we engage with these practices.