A Simple, Easy Method To Produce Great Creative Work With Ease

Maxwell Akin
4 min readAug 3, 2023


Our goal, with this essay, is to outline a method.

A method that you can use to ensure that the creative work you produce, within a session, is good.

No, that’s not quite accurate.

Rather, this method allows you to ensure that your creative work is both fun — for you, of course — and that it, fundamentally, aligns with your goals regarding this creative work.

Just as an example, if your goal is to produce something beautiful that you can share with your family, then this method allows you to do so within the confines of the creative session you are about to begin.

And, if you have another goal, this method will assist you with that, as well.

So, with that out of the way, let’s dive in!

A Passion Of Mine

Coming up with ideas is a passion of mine.

Just sitting down and, then, coming up with ideas.

Something about this act is like a game.

A fun, pleasant game that really, really satisfies me.

All manner of hours can be spent coming up with ideas.

Every single one of these hours serves as a source of satisfaction and joy.

Our concern is not, solely, with this passion, though.

Rather, our concern is with the creative act that it serves as a variation of.

You may possess other, related, passions.

Just as an example, your passion may be that of writing stories or developing essays.

Or, well, a vast number of other things.

Every single one of these passions is valid and valuable; worth pursuing and enjoying.

Sometimes, though, it can be difficult to engage with these passions.

To engage with these passions in a manner that allows for fun, satisfying and creative work to arise.

Our sense of passion, and the inspiration such passion engenders, fails to present itself.

Sometimes, this is, perhaps, a natural cycle that serves a purpose.

Other times, though, it is not.

Even though these moments of stagnance and ennui may seem unchangeable, they are not.

Rather, we possess the ability to conjure passion and inspiration.

The ability to conjure passion and inspiration with remarkable ease.

A Quick Story

Right before we go over the ability that this essay is devoted to — and, in turn, the method that allows us to make use of this ability — there is a story that must first be shared.

On a warm night that was not so long ago, I opened up a word document.

Right within this word document, there was an outline.

The outline consisted of sections that would allow me to organize a number of ideas.

Every single one of these ideas centered on creativity and one of my other, favorite topics: infinity.

Right before I began coming up with ideas, though, I played a little game.

The game, in question, consisted of appreciating seven things about the creative session I was about to begin.

Just appreciating how much fun it was and how many good ideas I came up with and how much I enjoyed myself.

And, then, while in this mood of gratitude and appreciation, I began to write.

Right within the span of one-hour, I came up with seventy-five ideas.

Each one came forth with remarkable ease and the entire process was so much fun.

Seriously, it was unlike any other idea generation session I’ve had in quite some time.

And, it all began with a simple, quick, fun gratitude game.

A Simple Method

Our method is quite simple.

Right before you begin your creative work, take a few minutes to appreciate.

To appreciate the creative work that you are about to do.

Even if you can’t quite conjure the feelings that make gratitude what it is, just allow yourself to think of several things you desire, from your session.

And, with those desires in mind, appreciate them, as if they’ve happened.

You might appreciate the beauty of the prose you’ve conjured or the lovely colors you’ve combined or the wonderful notions you’ve crafted.

And so on and so forth.

Give yourself a few minutes to do this and, right after you do so, begin your creative work.

Just dive in and see what happens!

No, this method is not very complex. Yes, it is very simple.

Given its simplicity, the method is also quite flexible.

You can apply it to nearly any creative endeavor.

No matter what, though, the goal is, quite simply, to clarify what you want, out of your session, and then to appreciate those things as if they happened.

Give yourself the ability to appreciate what you desire, as if it were really here.

And, in doing so, you will be met with success.


No matter what anyone says, you can create the work that you wish to create.

Regardless of that fact, though, thank you so much for reading this essay!

As always, if you wish to reach me, you can do so at “maxwellcakin@gmail.com.”

Best wishes and have a truly lovely day!



Maxwell Akin
Maxwell Akin

Written by Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “maxwellcakin@gmail.com”.

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