A Simple, Easy Method For Creating Blessings
On June 7th of 2022, I began a 7-day experiment.
This experiment served as a continuation of my recent experiences with “appreciation games” and, by extension, appreciation as both a feeling and creative force.
The experiment ended on June 14th of 2022.
During this brief period of time, a number of fascinating results came forth.
You will, within this essay, learn all about the experiment and the results it created.
You will also learn how you can use the insights obtained from this experiment to enjoy a life that is rich with all that you desire.
A Recent Experiment
On June 7th of 2022, I went on a brief walk.
None of this was unusual; I take a number of brief walks throughout the day.
Rather than concerning myself with the normal barrage of inner chatter, though, this walk served as a space for me to consider the blessings in my life.
Or, more specifically, to consider, and appreciate, ten of the blessings in my life.
Some of these blessings include:
- A Kind, Beautiful, Loving Girlfriend
- A Great Job With Great Pay
- Wonderful Friends
- A Plethora Of Delightful Creative Hobbies
- A Variety Of Exciting Future Opportunities
And so on and so forth.
Rather than focusing solely on what was in front of me, though, my mind also went to blessings that were desired, yet not quite present within my life.
Some of these blessings include:
- A Deep Sense Of Inspiration
- New, Lovely Moments With Friends
- Some Nice Summer Adventures
- New, Fascinating Concepts/Ideas/Notions
- New Books, Comic Books, Films, And Games That Resonate With Me
Each one of those blessings was appreciated as if it was a present fact of my life.
Soon after appreciating the blessing, it would slip out of my mind.
The entire process took less than five-minutes.
All of this is standard “Feeling It Real”; to borrow the terminology of Neville Goddard.
And yet, it was a little more — or less, as you will soon see — than that.
Rather than engaging with this appreciation in a vivid, energetic manner, the appreciative thoughts and feelings were light and brief, lacking heft and weight.
My assumption is that this experiment would produce middling results.
Results worth recording merely for posterity’s sake.
But, that isn’t quite what happened.
What Happened?
Each and every one of my appreciated blessings came to life.
Every single one of the appreciated blessings that was already in my life expanded.
Some examples of this include:
- Receiving New Work From An Old Client
- Meeting Up With A Close Friend
- Being Invited To Some Summer Adventures With That Friend
- Diving Into The Wonderful Short Fiction Of Clark Ashton Smith
- Learning About Several New, Deeply Inspiring/Enchanting, Ideas
- Being Inspired To Write — And Writing — A Number Of Personal Essays/Stories
- Enjoying A Lovely Video Call With My Long-Distance Girlfriend
- Watching Some Great Movies — “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” Is A New Favorite
- Listening To Some New Albums
- Receiving A Message From A Friend I Last Spoke To 2-Years Ago
None of the blessings came forth in a particularly surprising or unusual manner.
Rather, they came forth as most desires do: in a natural, almost superfluous, way that aligns with your habits and circumstances.
None of that is particularly surprising.
But, what is surprising is that these blessings came forth so quickly, even though the feelings of appreciation were so very mild.
I am not entirely sure why this is. But, this experience produced a few key insights.
A few key insights that, while somewhat obvious, are worth emphasizing.
Surrender/Let Go
Yes, it’s a cliche. But, it seems that surrendering — or “letting go” — is the key.
Or, if not a key, then a powerful act that expedites the fulfillment of certain desires.
I am not sure why this is, although I am familiar with some of the theories.
Regardless of why the act of surrendering your desires works so well, it does, in fact, work and, as such, can be used to further your own efforts.
Allow yourself to experience a wish — any wish, no matter what it may be — as a present fact.
And, then, let it go.
Just do something else, so that you can stop thinking about it.
This may not work for you. But, for me, it seems to have worked very well.
Feel Your Desire As A Present Fact
No matter the desires you hold in your heart, you can experience them as a present fact.
To accomplish this, you can rely on a wide variety of methods.
On some level, each one of these methods rely on stepping into the feelings of your wish.
Or, more specifically, experiencing your desire as if it is a present fact; feeling it real.
You can invoke feelings of appreciation and gratitude — among others — to accomplish this.
You can put a great deal of effort into evoking these feelings. And, in turn, you can give these feelings a deep sense of intensity and vividity.
But, as this experiment served to illuminate, you don’t need to do that.
You can simply conjure a feeling — a sense of appreciation, for example — and let it go.
The combination of these two acts is powerful and creative.
This Is Easy
None of this needs to be challenging.
Rather, it can all be easy and playful.
Fun, even.
Granted, this is coming from someone who is, at this present time, comfortable and secure, in a multitude of different ways.
Someone who craves comfort and security may find this insight — and the two above — far less useful — and, by extension, actionable — than it is to me.
And yet, based on both my recent experiment and past experiences, this work is easy.
Or, more specifically, it can be easy.
Perhaps, it is meant to be easy.
I am not sure, yet am eager to experiment some more.
Living A Blessed Life
Set aside a few-minutes to think and walk or meditate.
Right within this space, think of some of the ways in which you are blessed.
You can think of as many reasons as you would like.
Allow yourself to appreciate the blessings in your life.
You can appreciate these blessings in a vivid, intense manner.
Or, you can simply say “Thank You” and, then, move on.
Right after doing so — or, perhaps, interspersed within the first process — you can appreciate the blessings you long for, but are not, in this moment, experiencing.
You can appreciate any blessing/desire.
Just allow yourself to appreciate this blessing, as if it were a present fact.
You can experience this appreciation in a vivid, intense manner.
Or, you can say a simple “Thank You” and, then, let it go.
And, then, when you finish thinking of, and appreciating, these blessings, you can move on.
You can move on by working on something else.
For me, this often involves my writing work or, perhaps, reading a book/watching film.
Of course, those are just a few possibilities.
No matter what it is, though, allow yourself to focus on something else. This way, it may be a little easier for your wishes to come forth, and your present blessings to expand.
Our life is a grand experiment.
To properly engage with notions of reality creation and feeling it real — among others — hands-on experience is the key.
My hope is that you will engage with the method shared in this essay.
Even more than that, my hope is that doing so serves you.
Serves you, in a way that illuminates what is true for you; brings forth what you desire; provides a new lens through which to view your life and yourself.
Or, perhaps, something even more resonant than any of those possibilities.
No matter what happens, though, thank you so much for reading this essay!
I hope that you have a lovely day and experience all that you long for!
Oh, and, as always, if you want to reach me, you can do so “maxwellcakin@gmail.com”.