A Rather Unique, But Remarkably Powerful, Scripting Method

Maxwell Akin
2 min readAug 2, 2024


Our intention, with this essay, is sharing.

Sharing what?

A simple method you can use to ensure the speedy arrival of your wishes.

A Simple Method

Our method is very simple:

  1. Select something that you want. Or, at the very least, are interested in.
  2. Write a third-person story about your life, as if you currently have the thing you want.
  3. Read your story and see what it evokes within you.

Just as an example, let’s say that you are interested in a yoga practice that, you hope, will give you more energy.

Right after you select this yoga practice, you write a story that looks something like the paragraph found below:

“Max wakes up and begins his yoga practice, at exactly 9 o’clock in the morning. Right after 30 minutes, he finds himself filled with energy and enthusiasm, which flows into the other parts of his day.”

Just write as much as you can. And, when the time is right, stop.

You must read your story. By doing so, you can gain an understanding of what the story evokes within you.

Just as an example, if you find yourself interested in the life you are living, then you should note that.

On the other hand, if the story feels rather tedious and dull, then you should make a note of that, too.

No matter what a particular story evokes within you, make a note of it.

The Purpose Of Our Method

The purpose of our method is simple: creating a blueprint for who you wish to be and what you wish to experience.

If you can see what your life — and, in turn, the you that is living this life — looks like, when a particular thing happens to be a fact of it, then you can understand two things:

  1. Whether or not that thing is right for you.
  2. What you should focus on when manifesting your wish.

Just as an example, if your feelings surrounding a particular thing are, ultimately, hazy and uncomfortable, then this may be a sign that the thing you wrote about isn’t for you.

Outside of the above, if you write a story about having a new job, and you write about what follows the fulfillment of this wish, you have a wealth of things you can focus on.

One example from my own life, regarding the above, is as follows: buying cool things with security and ease, as a result of my awesome job.

You can focus on that. And, in doing so, you can appreciate doing so, among other qualities, which will make it easier for your new job to arrive with speed, ease, and love.


If you enjoyed this essay, that is fantastic!

Please feel free to reach out with an email sent to “maxwellcakin@gmail.com.”

Best wishes and have a great day!



Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “maxwellcakin@gmail.com”.