A Program For Your Life
Our experience of the world, and the choices we make, are dependent on our mental programs.
A mental program is a piece of mental software that serves as a key factor in determining what we see, what we feel, what we think, what we do, and everything that results from those four factors.
A mental program is, more often than not, a set of beliefs and habits that serve as a key facet of your life and who you are.
For simplicity’s sake, mental programs can be considered “belief systems” or “habits of thought and action”.
The mental program you will soon read about is not unlike the concepts regarding life as a “simulation”, “dream”, or an act of “divine play”. But, the language that we’ll be using is a little different from those, and is focused on the beautiful nature of life, and the wonderful creative powers we all possess.
Depending on what you believe, and how you feel about games and play, you may find this mental program useful and conducive to a life of genuine joy, love, and abundance.
A Moment Of Quiet Stillness
Moments of quiet stillness serve as great opportunities for inquiry, exploration, and transformation.
Rather than subjecting ourselves to the perpetual motions of the day, a moment of quiet stillness gives us the opportunity to ponder why it is that we do what we do, the value that what we do offers, and whether or not there is as better way to do what we do or what we wish to do.
For myself, engaging with these moments, and uncovering the mental programs and invisible assumptions that define my world and my experience of the world is a challenge. It is difficult to say why this is, but perhaps, it is because I am looking too hard.
But, engaging with moments of quiet stillness, and asking questions that serve as the foundation of new mental programs is always productive and rewarding.
More often than not, the mental programs you turn on, during these moments of quiet stillness, exist within a state of ephemerality. You may ask questions, be pleased with the responses and changes that occur, and then forget what it is that just took place.
This is all perfectly normal. New mental programs — or habits of any sort, for that matter — often take a little bit of time to come together.
The value of engaging with a new mental program, even for just a few moments, is not diluted as a result of this ephemerality.
Rather, the act of making an effort to see and experience things a little differently, even for just a moment or two during your day, is priceless.
For when you take just several-minutes, at any point during your day, to adjust and augment your perspective, you create cracks and openings within the walls that serve as your world and your life. Looking through these cracks and openings enables you to learn more about yourself, what you truly value, and what you can do to bring more of what you truly value into fruition.
For you to explore the mental program you will soon learn about, please remember to give a few minutes to quiet stillness. Do this, and you will experience a cacophony of changes and revelations that will, at the very least, allow for the possibility of something very special to come forth.
Life Is A Game
Life is a game. A fun game that you are here for. You are here to play this game. You are here to experience this game.
You are here to play and experience your limitless creative potential, the endless abundance of the world, and the passions that make you come alive.
The purpose of this game — your life — is to play. To play the game, and to do so in a way that makes you come alive, and that makes those around you come alive.
None of that is particularly specific or clear. To some extent, it isn’t even true, either. But, it’s a mental program and, as far as mental programs go, it may be useful to consider and explore.
Letting yourself see and experience life as a lovely game can be freeing.
Rather than life being a serious and sordid affair, all of life is a great act of play. Even the more difficult parts of life are but challenges for you and the enormous creative abilities you possess.
As the player — one of many, many others — of this game, you possess the ability to engage with this game in meaningful and creative ways. Many of these ways involve engaging your own capabilities for feeling specific desires as realities and, through your own abilities, transforming them into tangible realities that enhance your life and the lives of those around you.
Play is the purpose of the game. Play is the purpose of your life. Anything that makes you come alive, while respecting other people and acting in an ethical manner, is a significant part of that play and, as such, must be honored and engaged with. Concerning yourself with lofty visions that intimidate you is no longer necessary, for you are here to play and your life is a beautiful game that serves as the canvas for this play.
Once more, this mental program is not always useful or valuable. But, at times, it may be very useful.
You may, by adopting this mental program, find it easier to enjoy your life, to enjoy the time you spend with those you love, to enjoy your passions, to enjoy your work; you may even find the courage necessary to do more of what you truly love and crave, for you understand that this is a game and that a game is meant to be fun and meaningful in ways that speak more to the soul than the mind.
Perspectives and habits, of all sorts, will always be ephemeral. To some extent, that is. You can make use of their inherently ephemeral nature to go beyond what you have known, so that you can uncover that which is of greater value.
Be Light; Be Free
More than anything else, engaging with life, as if it were a beautiful game, lets you feel a little lighter, and be a little freer.
Both of those qualities make appreciating your life a little easier, while also making it easier for you to enjoy your life.
As soon as you combine appreciation and joy, the act of tapping into your endless creative power is fun and generative.
Tapping into your endless creative power, in a manner that is fun and generative, enables you to experience the infinite abundance of lovely treasures — love, bliss, novelty, passion, friends, natural wonders, mysteries, inspiring questions; ad infinitum — this world shares with us.
All you must do, to experience this mental program, is set aside a few minutes for quiet stillness, and ask yourself a series of questions.
What if my life is a game? What if all of my life is a game? What if my purpose in life is to play? What does it mean to “play” the game of life? Assuming this life is a game, what should I do? What do I want to do? If I lived my life as if it were a game, what would I be doing? Is this mental program useful; if so, why, and if it isn’t, why not?
None of those questions are the questions you “must” ask — or even should ask. But, as far as questions go, they may be useful in accessing a new perspective and, with it, a new mental program.
For you, if life does not feel like a game, or if the perspective just doesn’t feel right, then you should not use it and, instead, find something else that feels great. But, for you, if it does, then my advice is to continue giving yourself time to explore the mental program and to allow this exploration to create positive changes in your life.
In the end, life is a game. Or, maybe, it’s not.
Truth be told, it doesn’t really matter. You are here, and you are free to walk your own. So, choose your own path,
But, if what those who’ve come before us speak the truth, the best way to make the most of this life is to choose a path that feels right to you, and that actively makes the lives of those around you a little bit better.
Thank you for reading this essay! I hope you enjoyed reading the essay, and I hope you found the concepts and themes useful, and inspiring. If you would like to reach me, for any particular reason, you can do so at “maxwellcakin@gmail.com”.
Thanks & Best Wishes!