A Passionate Script For Your Desire
Our intention, with this essay, is clarifying.
Clarifying what?
A method for bringing your desires to fruition.
Making A Script For Your Desire
Our method is very simple.
Select something that you really, really want.
Or, at least, kind of want.
Right after you do so, imagine that you have the thing you want.
And, then, write, as if you have it.
Go over the things that you really love about it.
Just as an example, if you want a better job, you can write something like:
- I really love that I am having so much fun at my new job!
- I really love that I am making so much money!
- I really love that I am saving so much money every week!
And so on and so forth.
If you can do this consistently, then your wish will become a fact.
Or, at least, that has been my experience.
The Power Of Passion
On its own, the method outlined in the previous section is, as mentioned, more than sufficient.
But, sometimes, it isn’t quite enough.
If your scripts are failing to bring forth the results you seek, then you may need to add one small thing.
Or, more specifically, statements of passion, enthusiasm, and energy, that make you feel really, really good.
The basis for this “small thing,” and its validity, is as follows: passion can, and often does, make it easier for the fulfillment of your wish to impress itself on your Subconscious Mind.
Or, at least, that’s one idea.
The exact basis for this idea is unclear.
But, the facts, within my own life, are clear: if there is passion and enthusiasm, and these feelings are embraced, it is much easier for my wishes to arise.
On the other hand, if there is very little passion, or my energy just isn’t quite there, it does seem like it takes a longer time, and is a little more difficult, for my wishes to come forth.
All of this brings me to my next point…
Making A Passionate Script For Your Desire
To produce a truly effective script, you can make a “test-script.”
Just give yourself a few minutes to write out this list.
Come up with as many statements as you possibly can.
If a statement really resonates with you, evoking all sorts of nice feelings, make a note of it.
Right after you finish your test script, catalog the best statements.
The next time you make a script, use all of those statements.
Let yourself feel them.
Right after you do so, produce other, equally lovely, statements that dive further into those initial statements
Just as an example, if the statement “I am living such a rich, passionate life” resonates with you, you can write another statement that goes something like “I am so happy to be exploring my passions and having so much fun.”
And so on and so forth.
If you can do this, you will have an easier, and far more pleasant, time, bringing your wishes to fruition.
Just to wrap this up, thank you for reading this essay!
If you enjoyed it, feel free to reach out with an email sent to “maxwellcakin@gmail.com.”
Best wishes and have a fantastic day!