A Method For Accessing Your Intuition
Our intention, with this essay, is sharing.
Sharing what?
A method that will help you access your intuition.
Right before we begin, this method was taken, and modified ever so slightly, from Shakti Gawain’s “Living In The Light.”
You Are An Intuitive Being
You are an intuitive being.
And, as an intuitive being, you are connected.
Connected to what?
A neverending universe of information.
If you want to know what your next steps should be, you have access to information regarding these next steps.
Or, if you want to know where you are at, regarding the attainment of a goal, you have access to this information.
Yet another example is as follows: if you want to know what direction to take, you have access to this direction.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
But, there is one problem: a lot of this information is not immediately accessible to us.
A great deal of the information we need is buried within the deeper depths of our soul.
If we cannot access these deeper depths, we may not be able to access the information we need.
Or, at least, that’s the idea.
To access the information we need, we must be able to access our deeper depths.
The method shared right below will help you do so.
A Method For Accessing Your Intuition
Our method consists of the following:
- Think of something in your life that requires guidance.
- Close your eyes.
- Take several deep breaths.
- Imagine your mind as a serene body of water surrounded by beautiful gardens.
- Focus on the point in your body in which intuition is located.
- Imagine this point as a person.
- See this person and feel their presence.
- State your question to them.
- Listen to their response.
Regarding the latter point, if the response appears to come from a place outside of yourself, then it is likely that this is, in fact, your intuition.
On top of that, if the response feels right, and invokes a sense of life, love, and peace, then it is, again, very likely that this is your intuition.
The last thing to share is as follows: you may not receive an immediate answer. But, if you continue to go about your day, you will receive an answer to your query.
Just to wrap this up, thank you so much for reading!
My hope is that this method helps you connect to the deeper wisdom of your being.
Best wishes and have a great day!