A Memory Game
Our goal, with this essay, is to clarify a game.
A memory game.
You can play this game to explore a memory.
The act of exploring a memory will allow you to:
- Strengthen your ability to remember, and make use of, information from your past.
- Develop richer, more evocative, imaginal scenes.
- Summon the state, feeling, emotion, or sensation you wish to enjoy at that time.
So, with all of that in mind, let’s begin!
You Remember Everything
The above might be true.
Or, for that matter, it might not be.
Regardless of that fact, though, let’s assume that it is true.
Or, at least, it’s true, while playing this game.
You remember everything.
And, even the things that you don’t remember, well, those are stored somewhere inside of you, ready to be accessed.
Just assume that, within the context of this game.
No, you don’t need to believe it. But, while playing this game, try to pretend that it is true.
If you can do that, you will experience your memories with a greater degree of richness, vividity, and life.
A Memory Game
Our memory game begins with you selecting a memory.
You can select any memory.
If you can’t think of a memory, give yourself a moment or two to relax and allow.
Just allow memories and moments to arise with ease.
A gentle intention, coupled with relaxation, seems to work the trick.
Select the memory that most interests you.
Your memory can be a good one. Or, a bad one.
Or, for that matter, a memory that wasn’t necessarily good or, for that matter bad.
Right after you select your memory, you must come up with 33 details, elements, or bits — among other words and phrases — that serve to clarify, define, and expand upon this memory.
Just as an example, if you remember going to the beach as a child, you can recall the sights and sounds and smells and tastes and touches of the beach.
You can also remember the feelings you felt within your body, what was on your mind at that time, the yearnings you held in your heart; and so on and so forth.
Our memory game is very, very flexible. But, no matter what, you must remember 33 different things.
Even if you feel as if you are, simply, making things up, allow yourself to remember what arises.
To make this game a little easier, and a little more insightful, you should record what you remember.
A few simple notes, regarding what you call, should be more than sufficient. But, you can also record more elaborate, detailed notes, if that is what you would like to do.
7 Questions You Can Ask To Explore Your Selected Memory
To explore your selected memory, there are seven questions you should ask. And, with that particular fact in mind, these seven questions are as follows:
- What do you see, hear, and smell within this memory?
- What were your predominant moods within this memory?
- Do you taste anything and, if so, what is it?
- What are you touching in this memory?
- What were you thinking about, within this memory?
- What was your biggest desire, within this memory?
- What did you desire or yearn for, within this memory?
Every single one of these questions will allow you to clarify a memory.
Completing The Game
Right after you come up with the 33 things you remember, you will have a portrait.
A portrait of a memory.
You can return to this portrait for clarity, regarding that moment in your life.
And, in turn, you can also use that portrait to understand, on some level, where you are now and, truly, who you are now.
Outside of the above, you can use the sensory details clarified within your portrait as a doorway to invoking those sensory details within your imagination, so that you can imagine, and experience, what you desire.
Just as an example, if you would like to return to the beach, you can invoke those same sensory details, and some of those same feelings, within your imagination.
And, while doing the above, you can ground these sensory details, as well as the entire sensory experience, in who you are now and, perhaps, the nostalgia you would be feeling if you were really there, at the beach.
On the other hand, if there is no clear, tangible wish, within these memories, then you can use the feelings and emotions from within your memory to conjure a similar experience within yourself.
If you can evoke those feelings/emotions, then you can live from them, allowing you to more easily be inspired or at peace; among an infinite wealth of other, equally lovely possibilities, each of which is rooted within your memories.
Every single memory within you is accessible.
My hope is that this game allows you to explore this notion.
To live from it, if you will.
Regardless of that, though, thank you so much for reading!
If you want to reach me, for any reason, you can do so by emailing me at “maxwellcakin@gmail.com.”
Best wishes and have a truly amazing day!