A Meditation For The Sun
Our goal, with this essay, is sharing.
Sharing what?
A simple meditation you can use to bring “The Sun” into your life.
On The Nature Of “The Sun”
Out of all the cards that comprise the Tarot, “The Sun” may just be my very favorite.
“The Sun” means many things to many people. But, some of what it means to me, is as follows:
- New opportunities.
- Great news.
- Joy and love.
- Inspiration.
- Abundance.
- Awesome books to read.
- Happiness.
- Contentment.
- Satisfaction.
- Ecstasy.
- New ideas.
- Getting together with friends.
- Achieving my goals.
- Peak experiences.
- Being in a place of contentment and happiness.
And so on and so forth.
You can find “The Sun” card right below.
Just look at it for a few moments. What does it mean to you?
Right off the top of my head, it means, in addition to what has already been clarified, “Being in the best place I can possibly be; a place of love, satisfaction, abundance, inspiration, and deep, beautiful, utter happiness.”
Some of that makes little sense. But, as with a lot of stuff, it’s more the feeling, then the language, that matters.
All of this leads me to the point of our essay: “The Sun” is a state of being that lies within you and within the infinite Universe that responds to you yet, paradoxically, is also, at its fundamental root, you.
Or, at least, a part of you.
You can always access “The Sun.”
You can always bring “The Sun” into your life.
You can always experience “The Sun.”
Even when life really doesn’t seem to be coming together.
Even when you are not where you want to be.
Even when you are going through a remarkably difficult period in your life.
And so on and so forth.
I know this because I’ve been there. And, I’ve done this — I’ve meditated on “The Sun” and witnessed miracles.
“The Sun” is always there for you.
No matter what.
The meditation you can find below will help you step into the experience you are always entitled to.
Meditating On “The Sun”
To begin this meditation, you need “The Sun.”
Or, more specifically, “The Sun” Tarot card.
If you have a paper Tarot card of/for “The Sun,” then you must hold onto that Tarot card.
On the other hand, if you don’t have it, pulling it up on your phone, and holding that in your hand, will be sufficient.
Right after you have “The Sun” in your hand, stare at the Tarot card for a few moments.
You can rub it. Or, simply, hold it and look.
Just after a few moments pass, say a little prayer to “The Sun.”
Your prayer might go something like “I am going through a period of my life where things feel a little dark. I pray that ‘The Sun’ comes into my life. And, I pray that I achieve my goals, live my dreams, and get where I want to be. I thank you for your presence and I say ‘Thank you. Thank you so, so, so very much. Thank you.”
Or, well, your prayer can be anything else, as long as it resonates with you.
Right after you pray to “The Sun,” say “Thank you” several times.
Let yourself feel truly thankful, grateful, and happy; feel as if you have just received something so beautiful, so lovely, and so magical, that you simply must jump for joy!
And, after saying “Thank you,” there are two more things you can, and should, do.
The first of which is to say “Om Gan Ganapathi Namaha” at least nine times.
Every time you use this mantra, you are speaking with Ganesha.
Ganesha is a being with many, many qualities, gifts, and abilities. But, out of all those many, many qualities, gifts, and abilities, one of the most notable is as follows: removing any, and all, obstacles in your path.
“The Sun,” and all that it is, is meant to be, and all that you would like it to be, wants to enter your life.
It really, really wants to enter your life.
And, it will.
But, sometimes, we find ourselves facing obstacles, impediments, and obstructions that make it very difficult for “The Sun” to enter our life and, in doing so, shower with us all of the blessings we yearn for.
The latter includes all of the blessings we don’t know we yearn for but that, upon receiving them, we will love them very, very deeply.
To remove the obstacles, impediments, and obstructions that are preventing “The Sun” from entering your life, you can repeat “Om Gan Ganapathi Namaha” a total of nine times.
Or, more, if you want.
And, upon doing so, allow Ganesha to work on your behalf.
He wants to help you, and, with this mantra, He will be able to.
The second, and last, thing you can, and should, do, is as follows: give yourself permission to let go.
Just let go of this meditation and let go of your desires.
If only for a few minutes. Or, maybe, a few hours, if you can.
Everything is coming together on your behalf.
No matter what you feel or think, “The Sun” is coming into your life.
Just let go and let it happen.
Getting Out Of A Rut With “The Sun”
If you’re anything like me, getting into ruts is easy.
Just those moments where nothing seems to be working.
You are trying so hard. But, it’s just not happening.
Or, you aren’t trying so hard, because you have no real motivation, or drive, to do much of anything.
It’s easy to get into ruts. And, it’s easy for a rut to soak into your soul, tinging every moment with malaise.
Just as it’s easy to get into ruts, though, it’s also remarkably easy to get out of them.
All we must do is do something that we haven’t done before.
This could mean praying. Or, asking for help.
It could also mean going beyond what you think your life should be. Or, what you think you really want.
And, instead of going back to either of those things, going right to the Source.
Going right to “The Sun.”
“The Sun” that illuminates, rejuvenates, and nurtures all things.
No matter what happens, “The Sun” is always there for you.
All you must do is ask.
Ask and it will be given.
The mediation outlined earlier is merely one way of asking for what you truly yearn for.
Asking and receiving.
My experiences with this meditation have always been successful: new ideas, wonderful moments, great times with friends — and so on and so forth — have always come forth with joyous ease.
Out of all the hopes currently being held in my heart, my deepest is that this meditation works for you.
Right before we sign off, just as a piece of advice, do this meditation seven times, every single day, for seven days.
You may not think or feel that it will work. But, don’t let any of that discourage you: blessings will flow into your life at a very rapid pace, if you do this meditation and, in doing so, allow them to flow into your life.