A “Good Tired” Day
Sometime in September of 2021, a book titled “The 5 Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die” made its way onto my Kindle.
The title seemed nice. But, also, rather gimmicky.
No matter, though, for the book seemed short and, if nothing else, moderately insightful.
Since that year has passed, “The 5 Secrets You Must Discover Before You Die” continues to stick with me.
No, not the whole book. But, one of the “Secrets” that John Izzo clarifies.
The secret, in question, is to “Live The Moment.”
Right within that secret, there is this notion, which continues to resonate and inspire: make every day a “Good Tired” day.
Given the title of this essay, you might assume that the sections below serve as an exploration of this concept.
You are correct.
And, with that, let’s dive in!
What Is A Good Tired Day?
A Good Tired day is a good day.
But, it’s not just a “good day.”
Rather, a Good Tired Day is a day that ends with you going to bed, feeling tired, yet accomplished.
Accomplished and happy. Happy and content. Content and excited. Excited and appreciative.
Within the course of a Good Tired Day, you do a lot.
You do a lot of the things you love. You do a lot of the things you must do.
And, within this experience, you exist.
You exist within the infinite gifts of our world. You appreciate these gifts. You live within the moment.
And, you enjoy yourself. You enjoy what you accomplish.
You accomplish what you wish to accomplish using your creative gifts.
You spend time with those that you love, granting them the presence and attention they need, while allowing yourself to receive such gifts.
And so on and so forth.
You see, a Good Tired Day is open-ended and, more importantly, specific.
Specific to you and to your aims.
To truly determine what a Good Tired Day is, you must define it for yourself.
Your Own, Personal Good Tired Day
Every single day is a canvas.
A canvas of possibility.
Your job is to select the possibilities you wish to enjoy.
For you to accomplish this, it’s worth considering what you enjoy.
Or, perhaps, the themes you wish to live by, which often align with what you enjoy.
Don’t get me wrong, goals are great. But, goals are also remarkably confined and, sometimes, it’s better to work with themes.
Returning to the point, though, make a list of what you enjoy.
Just as an example, here is my list:
• Walking To New Places
• Hanging Out With Friends
• Taking Photographs
• Watching Movies
• Reading Books/Comic Books
• Writing Essays
• Making Stories
• Coming Up With New Ideas
• Exploring Transformative Perspectives/Concepts
• Developing Fictional Worlds
• Conducting Personal Experiments
And so on and so forth.
With these in mind, you can make a new list. A list of what comprises a Good Tired Day.
A Good Tired Day for you, that is.
For me, a Good Tired Day often consists of the following:
• Several Long Walks; One To A New/Relatively Unfamiliar Place
• Spending Some Time With Friends Or Family Members
• Watching A Good Film
• Reading A Good Book/Comic Book
• Making At Least One “Idea List” On Any Particular Topic Or Theme
• Writing A New Essay
• Conducting Some Sort Of Experiment — Playing With Affirmations, For Example — Or Coming Up WIth NewOnes
And so on and so forth.
Each one of these things, and so many more, come together.
Come together to create a day rich with the things that inspire and energize me.
Each one of these things is also, in its own way, generative.
Right as the day comes to a close, my essays can be read and the effects of my long walks are felt.
For you, my advice is similar: focus on activities that are generative, as well as those that are leisurely and pleasant.
Every Day Is A Gift
To live, and enjoy, a Good Tired Day, you can prioritize the activities that enliven you.
But, there is something else you can do.
You can go to bed and, right before falling to sleep, say “Thank you.”
Thank you for what?
For a beautiful, blessed, exciting, pleasant, enchanting, adventurous day.
A day of play. A day of peace. A day of adventure. A day of exploration. A day of accomplishment.
A day of living; truly living.
A day of being in this world; truly being in this world.
You can also say “Thank you” for the wonderful surprises you will receive tomorrow.
The wonderful surprises you will receive and the lovely gifts that they contain.
Just allow yourself to experience this appreciation.
Surrender to the excitement this appreciation engenders.
You are about to enjoy a blessed day.
A truly blessed day.
You are living a blessed life.
No matter your thoughts or expectations, give this practice a shot.
You never know what lovely gifts might arise!
Remember, your life is your own.
Your life is your own and you are you.
Please, pursue that which you love and enjoy.
And, if you can, please share what you love and enjoy with those that you love.
Within this vision, remember to create, enjoy, and share lovely, blessed days.
Regardless of what you choose, though, thank you so much for reading this essay!
As always, if you wish to reach me, for any reason, you can do so at “maxwellcakin@gmail.com!”
Best wishes, and have a lovely day!