A Fun Storytelling Game
Just a few months back, I read a book titled “The Golden Age”, written by Michal Ajvaz.
A lovely book. Absolutely lovely. Filled with themes and ideas that pertain to the creation of the meaning, the ephemeral and uncertain nature of memory, and the true nature of storytelling as it pertains to our human condition.
At one point in The Golden Age, the narrator references a woman seen earlier, who possesses a rather unique philosophy.
The exact quote is, unfortunately, a little tricky to find. But, if I remember correctly, the woman insists that every single human being contains, within themselves, a neverending well of stories that only they can tell.
Even though the book is dense with wonderful ideas, unique observations, and compelling explorations; that one observation, and the vast implications contained within the observation, is the single moment in The Golden Age that I remember the most.
Just as you might expect, the rest of this essay is going to explore one way in which you can tap into this neverending well of stories.
Unlike some of the other essays and methods on this blog, though, the following method is less of a method, and more of a game.
A game that encourages you to play and, in playing, make something that is fun for you to make.
Really, that’s the key to this game; fun. Your stories may not, in your eyes, be particularly good, but if you enjoy making the stories, then all is well.
A Storytelling Game
To play this game, you must know the type of stories you will be telling.
Rather than coming up with an outline, you can just think of a particular feeling, theme, or idea.
A vague, yet abundant, theme or concept, such as “love” or “forgiveness”, is fantastic
A more specific, yet equally abundant, theme, such as “parallel lives” or “the search for wisdom”, is also fantastic.
No matter what theme, concept, or feeling you wish to explore, write it down and make a choice to see what kinds of stories come to you while focusing on that which fascinates you.
The next step of the game is where your storytelling begins.
To play this game, you will be writing three stories.
Each story is intended to be no less than 100-words. That way, you’ll be able to come up with some images, some ideas, and maybe a character or two.
Really, though, this is just one way of playing the game, and these are your stories, so change the rules as you see fit.
Once you put your pen to the paper — or, in my case, fingers to the keyboard — try to keep writing your story — whichever one that happens to be — until you feel the story is finished, you’ve said all you wanted to say, or simply don’t want to keep writing the story.
You can take a break after writing one story. Once you begin the next, though, try not to stop until you’re done.
Your stories may not, in your eyes, be particularly good or worth sharing. And, that’s okay. As long as you enjoyed making the story, you’ve succeeded.
Besides, even if they aren’t very good, you’ve still created something uniquely yours, and, hopefully, had some fun while doing so.
Other Ways Of Playing The Game
Some people tell stories in mediums beyond writing.
For those people, my suggestion would be to adapt this game to your own unique medium.
Just as an example, if you enjoy drawing, you can think of a particular theme, concept, or feeling, and then draw three unique drawings that explore what you’ve chosen.
No matter what your medium is, and no matter your sensibilities, feel free to adapt the rules of this game to fit your own style of creative play.
Playful Storytelling
Every now and then, I’ll come up with a gem. Or, at least, a muddy stone, if polished a great deal, could become a gem.
For the most part, though, the stories that originate from this game are not very good.
Even though these stories tend not to be very good — yours might be, though, I am not sure — there is always some value to be found in them.
Some of this value comes from the act of telling these stories, which is meant to be a fun experience that allows for creative play.
Some of this value comes from the stories that you make, and the wisdom/understanding contained within those stories.
Within your stories, you can find the sensibilities that arouse your attention, traces of your current emotional state, images that speak to you, as well as the multitiudinous facets of yourself that, while not presented consciously or with much regularity, exist and can be welcomed.
My suggestion, for you, is to return to the stories you’ve made — with this game, and in the past — while looking for the pieces of yourself within those stories.
The suggestion may sound silly. But, if you follow through, and really look at what you’ve made with the understanding that this is a reflection of yourself in ways you may not have ever been aware of, you will find some very special gifts and treasures.
Beyond all of that, though, you may also find unique ideas, fascinating characters, striking images, and various treasures that are worth engaging with and exploring even further.
Even if you don’t, though, as long as you’ve enjoyed telling a couple of stories, then all is well and you should be proud of what you’ve created.
Everyone Can Tell Stories
The act of telling stories can, at times, seem impossibly grandiose and exceptionally challenging.
In many ways, this is the truth.
At the same time, though, everyone tells stories.
Everyone tells stories, and everyone can tell stories.
Storytelling is, as a form of creative play, one of the oldest and most natural.
A form of creative play that, in my experience, is innate in more ways than one.
The ability to tell stories is innate — as defined by my own, limited, experience — and the drive to tell stories is, also, innate.
Both drives can, and should, be acknowledged and embraced.
Play is one of the easiest, and safest, ways of embracing these drives and giving yourself permission to be yourself and create something special that only you, yourself, can create.
Please, don’t neglect your own abilities as a storyteller and, even more importantly, please embrace the extraordinary creative gifts and abilities that you possess.
The main concepts of this essay, and the game itself, may be a little confusing or poorly illustrated.
If that is the case, then my apologies.
Beyond anything else, the main point of this essay is that you are a wonderful creative being who can make so many wonderful gifts and treasures, share those gifts and treasures, while also being and embracing your unique, and always lovely, self.
Please, remember who you are, and remember just how special you truly are.
As always, if you want to reach me, you can do so at “maxwellcakin@gmail.com”!
Best wishes, and have a lovely day!