A Flow Of Gratitude
Our “A Flow Of Gratitude” differs from many of the other games within this series.
Rather than existing as a collection of somewhat rigid structures, “A Flow Of Gratitude” exists as both a performance, of sorts, and a state of being.
Your goal, when playing “A Flow Of Gratitude” is to perform.
To perform and, in performing, to enter a state of being.
A state of being that allows you to live a rich, abundant, creative life that is in alignment with your deepest aims, goals, wishes, and yearnings.
A Flow Of Gratitude
Every emotion, feeling, and sensation is, on some level, a creative force.
A creative force that you can harness to manifest your wishes.
To accomplish this, you must be deliberate.
You must deliberately assume the emotions, feelings, and sensations of your desired wish.
And, in assuming these emotions, feelings, and sensations, you can bring forth all that you seek.
But, of course, this is merely one way, out of so many ways, to accomplish this task.
You can also try something a little different.
Rather than focusing on a specific wish, you can focus on a vision.
A general, if somewhat vague, vision of who you wish to be and what you wish to do.
Right as you envision this, well, vision, you can appreciate it.
You can appreciate living within this vision.
You can appreciate living a life that is in direct alignment with this vision.
You can appreciate living the life you wish to live.
And, in appreciating this life, you will begin to live this life.
A Story From My Own Life
On a night like any other, I chose to play a little game.
I chose to envision the following:
- Going on adventures.
- Being inspired.
- Earning good money.
- Spending time with good friends.
- Having fun.
And, well, you get the idea.
None of these visions were particularly detailed or clear.
Rather, there was a feeling to them that I could conjure.
And, within this feeling, there were vague images and sensations.
I chose to conjure them and, as I did so, I said “Thank you.”
Just “Thank you.”
Thank you so much!
I said those words to the vision, to my experience of the vision, to my life; and so on and so forth.
And, in doing so, I allowed myself to believe — and, to know — that what I was imagining was becoming a fact of my life.
The next week was rich with blessings.
I was able to see and do so many things.
I was so inspired and I wrote so many great things.
I enjoyed myself so much.
And, it all began as a playful experience within my vision and my appreciation of this vision.
How Do You Play The “A Flow Of Gratitude” Game?
Right now, think of some things that you want.
Or, perhaps, some things that you really, really like.
Just think of them.
And, then, try to get a feel for them.
Get a feel for what it means to be inspired. Get a feel for what it means to be wealthy. Get a feel for what it means to go on adventures.
Right after you do so, see if any images arise.
Go into those images and allow those feelings you discovered earlier to be present.
And, then, say “Thank you.”
When you say “Thank you,” know that your wish is becoming a reality.
You will be living those visions soon enough.
And, in fact, you already are.
On some level, you already are.
You may not be able to see or feel it. But, it’s already done.
Just allow yourself to appreciate that, within this moment.
And, in allowing yourself to appreciate that, know that you are going to live the life you are choosing to live.