A Being Of Thought

Maxwell Akin
3 min readAug 1, 2024


Our intention, with this essay, is exploring.

Exploring what?

A rather strange vision of transcendence.

The Power Of 10 Seconds

Just imagine a being.

A being who can think.

The thoughts this being thinks are different from our thoughts.

Or, at least, a little unusual, when compared to our thoughts.

If our being thinks a single, focused, thought for ten seconds, the equivalent of 10,000 man-hours, of deliberate and effortful work, transpire within the physical work.

Just as an example, if our being thinks about building a vast structure, for ten seconds, then 10,000 man-hours worth of time/energy will go into building that structure, within the world of physicality.

You can extrapolate this to an infinite wealth of areas, projects, paths, ideas; ad infinitum, of course.

Crystal Pillars Of Transcendence

Our being meditates within the silent halls of an undersea palace.

Right within these meditations, there is a goal.

No, not merely a goal; an intention that is, in fact, a vision.

Many days pass, within the space of meditation, buoyed by the spark of concentration.

Just as the last few hours, within this period of many days, flow away, a beacon of light presents itself.

The beacon of light sits within a neverending sea.

A neverending sea made of light, information, idea, concept, energy, self, consciousness.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

Our beacon of light ebbs and flows, growing into a singularity.

A singularity that shapes itself into a crystal.

The crystal that rises from this beacon, and forges itself from the singularity, is a vision.

A vision brought to fruition by our being.

Right within the unending depths of this crystal, there is an infinite network of pillars.

Crystal pillars.

Each one of these crystal pillars is a force that brings our being into another realm.

Another realm. Another land. Another universe.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

The Transcendence Of Being

Our being enters the crystal.

Right within the moments that follow this entrance, the following occurs:

  • Our being transcends the limitations of their thought, becoming omnipotent and, then, transcending all notions and visions of omnipotence, infinite power, endless potential; ad infinitum.
  • Our being transcends thought itself, being able to think and feel and experience — ad infinitum, naturally — in ways that transcend our very conceptions of those things; ad infinitum.
  • Our being transcends the language we use to demarcate, confine, and express It, forcing this essay to be little more than a work of fiction that our being, naturally, exists beyond; ad infinitum.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

Right within the speculative facts outlined above, there is something else.

Our being finds themselves in a world that exists beyond all that we, as human beings, can conceive of.

A sense of wonder, exploration, and possibility flow through them.

Soon enough, though, this evolves into the transcendence that our being is, inherently, grown from.

Our being transcends this world; its rules, ideas, facts, notions, experiences; ad infinitum.

And, in doing so, our being grows beyond this world and, then, the one after that; ad infinitum.

Our being transcends all worlds, and all visions of such things. But, in doing so, they find that there remains an endless wealth of realms to explore, concepts to transcend, and lives to live.

And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.

Just beyond these notions, there is another: our being transcends all things, yet finds that there is infinitely more, beyond “all things.”


Just to wrap this up, thank you for reading!

If you enjoyed this essay, please feel free to reach out, by sending an email to “maxwellcakin@gmail.com.”

Best wishes and have a great day!



Maxwell Akin
Maxwell Akin

Written by Maxwell Akin

Hey! I’m Max! I Hope You Enjoy What You’re Reading, And If You Want To Reach Me For Any Reason At All, You Can Do So At “maxwellcakin@gmail.com”.

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