9 Visions Of Plexing — Part 02
Our intention, with this essay, is sharing.
Sharing what?
3 more visions of plexing.
You can find the first part of our essay series right here.
Vision 04: Buried Within A Nanosecond
Our fourth vision of plexing is rooted in the idea of a nanosecond.
Every second is comprised of one-million nanoseconds.
Just imagine, then, a plexing function in which you plex a number. And, then, right within the body of time that is a nanosecond, you write that many zeros.
A good example of this is “100.”
If you plex “100,” you write 100 zeros, right in front of the “100.”
But, with our new function, it’s a little different: you write 100 zeros every nanosecond, for 100 seconds.
Or, perhaps, 100 minutes, days, years; ad infinitum.
The sheer number of zeros you must write, if you employ this function, is far greater than what we can write.
Or, at least, it is, within this context.
Vision 05: Plexing Within A Planck Time
Our fifth vision is identical to the vision found right above.
But, this time, we’re writing a set number of digits, every Planck Time.
A Planck Time is the smallest, and most divisible, body of time that we know of.
Just for clarity’s sake, a Planck Time is to one second, what one second is to 316,887,385,068,114,309,645,621,034,629,706,950 years.
So, it’s pretty small.
Just imagine, then, that within every Planck Time, you write down 100 zeros.
Or, perhaps, a million zeros.
And so on and so forth, endlessly and infinitely; ad infinitum.
Just imagine that.
Vision 06: The Infinite Moment
Our sixth vision is nearly identical to the two visions outlined above.
The body of time we are working with is an infinitely divisible moment.
Just as an example, you can divide a Planck Time into infinite pieces.
No matter how many of these pieces you go through, you will never reach an ending to that Planck Time.
The above is true, even if you go through infinite pieces.
Just imagine, then, that you plex a number. And, within every infinitely divided moment, you write, say, 1000 zeros.
You would be writing an infinite number of zeros.
No matter how many zeros you write, the plex remains unending.
Just to wrap this up, thank you for reading!
If you enjoyed this essay, please feel free to send an email to “maxwellcakin@gmail.com.”
Best wishes and have a great day!