7 Questions You Can Ask To Discover, And Manifest, Your Dream Life
Our goal, with this essay, is to clarify seven questions you can ask.
Seven questions you can ask to discover, and manifest, your dream life.
You can ask these questions and, in doing so, clarify your dream life.
Right within the act of clarifying this dream life, you can experience it as a fact.
A fact of life that is present within you, and all around you, right now.
You can surrender to these feelings and, in doing so, you will be able to manifest your dream life.
You Can Live The Life You Truly Wish To Live
No matter what anyone says, and no matter what your day-to-day experience may suggest, you can live the life you truly wish to live.
You really, really can.
And, furthermore, you can become the person whom you wish to be.
No, this doesn’t mean that doing so will be easy — although, it doesn’t have to be hard, either; and, in fact, there is a strong chance that it will be fun and pleasant — but it is possible.
It is possible and it will always be possible.
Remember that.
Please remember that.
And, in remembering that, please try — if nothing else, please try — the practices outlined right below.
You may find that, in using these practices, you are able to live the life you wish to live.
On The Importance Of Clarity
You may have heard the notion that, if you know what you want, then you can have it.
Some may question this. And, this questioning is valid.
But, in my experience, there is great truth to this idea.
If you know what you really, truly want, and if that intention sits within yourself, rich with energy and life, then what you really, truly want can be, and will be, yours.
Right before this can happen, though, you must know what it is that you really, truly want.
No, this doesn’t mean that your wishes can’t change or evolve. But, without even an inkling of what you really, truly want, it may not be very easy for you to bring that into your experience.
Our goal, then, with these questions, is to clarify.
To clarify the life that you really, truly wish to live.
Your dream life.
And, in clarifying your dream life, you will be able to feel that you are living your dream life, within this moment.
If you can feel that you are living your dream life right now, within this moment, then you can bring forth everything that life needs to exist.
You will create, and then live, your dream.
Or, at least, that is my assertion, which is backed up by my experiences.
Don’t get me wrong, my assertion may be incorrect, but it is worth experimenting.
Your Dream Life Exists Right Now
Right now, within this moment, your dream life exists.
You may not be able to see, touch, or taste it; among other senses.
And, you may not be able to really get an idea of what your dream life truly is.
But, this does not negate the idea that your dream life exists right now.
Given that your dream life exists right now, it is, fundamentally, accessible to you.
You can step into it and experience, thereby bringing it into your world.
But, in order to do this, it helps to have a little bit of fun.
Just assume, then, that your dream life exists in this moment and that you are living within this life.
You are living with the moments and spaces sculpted by your dream life.
You are enjoying this rich, abundant dream life of yours.
You are living as the person you wish to be, within the life that you truly love to live.
And, within this assumption, you can ask the questions outlined below.
Right before we do that, though, there is one more idea to share: it helps to use a symbol.
A symbol that can grow, and expand, thereby encompassing your deepest wishes.
My symbol is living on the beach, in a nice place; this leads to thoughts of going on long walks throughout the beach and reading on the patio and smelling the salty sea.
Every single one of the above serves as a conduit for other ideas and sensibilities to arise.
Your symbol can be anything: a beautiful office within a skyscraper, living in a nice cabin within the woods, owning a bakery in a town that you love; and so on and so forth.
Really, the possibilities are vast and infinite, so make sure to choose a symbol that resonates with you.
And, if you can’t find a symbol, at this time, then play with one or two — or more, for that matter — and see what happens when you do so.
7 Questions You Can Use To Discover, And Manifest, Your Dream Life
01: What Do You Miss?
You are living a new life now.
A better life.
Your dream life.
And, yet, this is, fundamentally, a different life.
Something distinct, and different from, the life that you were once living.
Step into this sensibility.
And, in stepping into this sensibility, allow yourself to reminisce.
To reminisce on the life you were once living.
What do you miss about that old life? What are you nostalgic for, regarding that old life?
Give yourself the freedom to reminisce and reflect on those questions.
Just as an example, you may miss the city you once lived in, even if you weren’t very happy there.
Or, you may miss certain elements of the old position you worked in — your coworkers, for example — even though you are much happier in the position you are currently in.
No matter what arises, allow yourself to feel it; to really feel this nostalgia and appreciation.
02. Who Are You?
Our second question is, really, two questions: who are you and who have you become?
You see, in order to truly live your dream life, there must be a change.
Or, perhaps, a series of changes.
Some of these changes appear on the outside. But, others — and, perhaps, most of them — exist within the inside.
You must, on some level, become a different person.
Or, at the very least, certain assumptions, beliefs, and habits must change.
You may not know what these are. And, that’s okay; you don’t need to.
Even so, though, asking this question, and allowing yourself to reflect on who you’ve become, will allow you to become.
To become the person whom you wish to be and, in doing so, to manifest your dream life.
03: What Types Of Fun Things Are You Doing?
And, now, for something fun!
Go into your dream life and think about the fun things you are doing.
You may be doing the things that you do now. But, perhaps, on a greater scale.
Or not, for that matter!
You may also be doing other things that are aligned with the place you live.
Just as an example, if you live on the beach, you may be enjoying long walks on the beach.
Or, perhaps, hiking in the mountains and taking lots of photographs/videos.
You get the idea.
The possibilities are vast and infinite.
Give yourself some time to think about the fun things you are doing.
And, when you do so, allow yourself to feel yourself doing those things.
You will bring them closer to you, thereby allowing your dream life to manifest.
04: What Projects And Goals Are You Working Towards
No matter what, everyone is, on some level, working on a project or working towards a goal.
Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t always a conscious process. But, in my experience, it appears to be true.
Our interests, passions,and fascinations guide and direct us, often along paths that are not always clear.
Right within your dream life, this may be the case.
But, what if it isn’t?
Rather, what if you are very clear on the projects and goals you are working towards.
Just assume that’s the case and, in doing so, go over some of the projects and goals you are working towards.
Let yourself be excited about these projects and goals.
Give yourself the freedom to imagine them and their completion, as if you were living your dream life.
You will move closer and closer to your dream life, when you do this.
05:Where Do You Live?
Right within your dream life, there is a place.
A place you are living.
Step into this place.
Go over what it looks like.
Clarify what it feels like.
Let yourself feel the place.
If you can, allow yourself to clarify as many details as possible.
Or, if you can’t, allow yourself to get a feeling for the place.
A feeling of, perhaps, relaxation, peace, creativity, and inspiration; that’s my list, yours may differ.
No matter what, allow yourself to really feel the place you are living.
06:What Are Your Mornings And Nights Like?
Our life is rooted in the acts of waking up and falling asleep.
Each one of these acts serves as the foundation upon which our day-to-day experience — and, in turn, our lives — is rooted within and, on another level, bound to.
Given these facts, one of the most valuable acts you can engage in, is clarifying your mornings and nights.
Or, more specifically, your mornings and nights, within the context of your dream life.
Right after you come up with a basic idea, allow yourself to imagine.
To imagine your mornings. And, then, to imagine your nights.
You will bring these moments closer and closer, thereby allowing you to manifest, and live, your dream life.
07: What Do You See, Touch, Taste, Hear, And Smell?
Our seventh, and final, question, is rather abstract.
You must clarify what you see, touch, taste, hear, and smell.
No, not within any overly-specific context — the place you live in — but within the context of a life.
A dream life.
A life that is truly your dream.
You may wish to see beaches and waterfalls and mountains.
And, you may wish to taste rich, spicy meals and dense, layered desserts.
Or, you may wish to smell perfumes and candles rich with cinnamon and lavender aromas.
Your wishes may comprise a rich, unending soundscape of cacophonous inspiration emanating from infinite feeling.
And, well, you get the idea; this is your dream and these are your sensations.
Just allow yourself to imagine the sensations you wish to experience and, then, imagine that you are experiencing them.
If you can imagine that you are experiencing these sensations, and if you can really feel them, then you will be able to manifest these sensations into your life.
You can use these questions to discover, and manifest, your life.
Or, at least, that is my hope; my deepest, deepest hope.
No matter what, though, thank you so much for reading this essay!
As always, if you wish to reach me, you can do so at “maxwellcakin@gmail.com.”
Best wishes and have a lovely, lovely day!