40 Investments In 5-Minutes — Part 04
Just like the first three-parts of this series, we’re going to be outlining 5 unique, effective investments — simple, productive actions — you can make in just 5-minutes.
To make the most of these investments, find one that speaks to you and, then, set aside some time to make this investment and, then, see what happens!
Investment 01: Outline Powerful Actions You Can Take
Right now, in this moment, you may possess certain desires and intentions.
You can bring life to those desires, becoming the person you wish to be.
To accomplish this, one of the most valuable activities you can engage in, is that of taking powerful actions that move you closer and closer to the fulfillment of your deepest wishes.
For you to take these actions, though, you must know what it is that you long for and, in turn, what actions you can take to move forward.
Just take a moment and think about what you want.
Right after that, come up with ten — give or take, depending on the intention — powerful actions that you can take, so as to acquire what you want and become the person you wish to be.
Rather than thinking too deeply about these actions, just let them come to you and, then, jot them down, onto a piece of paper or a computer document.
Some of the actions you outlined may be unnecessary or superfluous.
Some of the actions you outlined will be enormously valuable.
You will want to choose the most valuable actions, bringing us to the second investment…
Investment 02: Begin One Of Those Actions
Your familiarity with your wish will make it easy to determine which actions will, when performed, bring you closest to the fulfillment of that particular wish.
So, right before engaging with this investment, consider your wish.
Just consider your wish, what it is, what it means, who you would be, if your wish was, in this moment, a fact of your life.
Right after that, select one action, from your list, that you wish to begin.
Begin the action you’ve selected.
Just take 5-minutes and begin your selected action.
Even if you make very little progress, the mere act of beginning this action, and moving forward with your intention, will bring you closer to where you are choosing to go.
Investment 03: Perform One Of Those Actions
Sometimes, your list may contain simple, easy actions that can be performed in 5-minutes.
Assuming that’s the case, take 5-minutes to perform that action.
Even if this investment seems insignificant, it will bring you closer to the fulfillment of your wish, while also inspiring you to take more actions of greater power.
Investment 04: Check In With Yourself
Some people say that your emotional state — your mood, your feelings; all in this moment — determine your experience of this moment, as well as the moments following this one.
I’m not sure if I completely agree with that. But, at the same time, there’s a lot of truth to it.
Since there’s some truth to this idea, it’s worth taking 5-minutes and checking in with yourself.
Right now, how are you feeling? Right now, what’s on your mind? Right now, what are you excited about? Right now, what are you worried about? Right now, what are you focused on?
And so on and so forth, since there are so many other, equally valuable, questions to ask..
Just check in with yourself and, if need be, make some adjustments.
Some of these adjustments might involve smiling, going on a quick walk, transforming your stance, drinking a glass of water, stretching; any simple, quick actions that move you away from one state of mind, into another, much healthier, state of mind.
Investment 05: Surrender To Your Mood — And, If Need Be, Let It Go
Sometimes, the best thing to do is not to move away from your current state of mind — your present mood, so to speak — but, instead, to surrender to it.
To surrender to the emotions and feelings — all that comprises your present state of mind — so that you can engage with what is troubling you, allowing you to move forward in a healthy way.
For me, the easiest way to do this is by standing up, moving around for a moment or so, and, then, sitting down and taking some deep breaths.
A cacophony of thoughts often come forth.
Rather than fighting against them, pushing towards something else, you can allow them to pass over you, while also remembering that you are far more powerful than you can ever know, and that it is okay for you to feel this way — to be this way — in this moment.
Soon enough, those thoughts will begin to recede. And, with that, your state of mind will shift in a slow, but certain, manner.
Or, at least, that’s been my experience.
For you, my advice is to find a “surrender process”, so to speak, that suits your needs.
Thank you for reading this essay.
My hope is that you found the investments useful and practical.
Even more than that, my hope is that you explore these investments, finding the ones that work for you, producing valuable results.
As always, if you wish to reach me, you can do so at “maxwellcakin@gmail.com”.
Best wishes, and have a great day!